

Today was the last day of working and our squads KILLED it! The squads that didn’t finish yesterday afternoon finished late this morning! Everyone worked so hard this week, and since they all finished early, each squad treated themselves to lunch out and an afternoon of rest and hanging out around the church!

It was so great to spend this week hanging out and getting to know these awesome people here at the Birmingham project! This project was special to me because I was a participant at the Birmingham project in 2017. I loved getting to see it from the other side and getting to spend time with the coordinators I had at that project two years ago. This week was such a blessing!

Tonight, worship was no exception from every other night. The presence of God was clearly felt, and I thank Him for using our band and speaker the way He did this week. We were so blessed by the messages brought to us this week, by both band and speaker. Tonight, Justin spoke on the “tiny”, as he put it, little man-Zacchaeus. He read Luke 19:11-10. What stuck out to me the most was what he said about verse 10, which says, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and save the lost.” Jesus came through town, and though he saw many people he sought out Zacchaeus, just like He does with those that are lost. He sees everyone but seeks out those who don’t know to seek Him back. That is such a beautiful reminder of how amazing Jesus is and how much He loves us. Not only does He do that for those that are lost now, but He did that for you and me, too. Isn’t He wonderful?

To close out the week, Justin dared us to go home and live like Jesus, to seek out the people in our lives that are not saved. He dared everyone to go home and live in such a weird way that the world will not understand why they do what they do. He said, “Following Jesus is simple to understand, but it isn’t easy to execute.” How true that is. I pray this week helped everyone at this project find the courage in Christ to follow Him with everything they have, even when it seems impossible to do.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers this week! God heard them and we felt them. He blessed this project and every person that was a part of it! Please pray for safe travels as our groups head home tonight and tomorrow morning!

Your Summer Staff,
Madi & Chad

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