Howdy from Birmingham, Alabama on this bright Sunday!
We are ecstatic to have seven churches arrive today from North Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky. With the help of all the participants, ten squads will be taking on ten different worksites. The majority of the sites are roofing, but we have full confidence our participants will work faithfully and remember to hydrate!
The worship got kicked off wonderfully with opening celebration, and worship songs. Our speaker, Heath Holly, gave a wonderful message about opening our hearts to Christ this week and letting Him work through us regardless of our wants and desires. This was a great challenge for the students to think about as they connect with homeowners and their neighbors this upcoming week.
All of our participants are excited to head out for their first day of work tomorrow. We ask that you pray for everyone involved in this project! Don’t forget that you can send your friends and family a word of encouragement through ServeMail!
Loving thoughts,
Lauren and Sam