Thursday and THRIVING!
Today was an awesome day! After a day of rest, everyone was excited to get back to work. One squad finished their roof this morning and the others are set to finish before lunch tomorrow! While it has been very hot here in Alabama, our squads have been hard at work and are looking forward to finishing up tomorrow. The participants have made such a community this week and have most definitely impacted this community over the last four days.
Tonight, our speaker, Justin, dared us to trust God with our entire lives. He challenged us to not put our trust in the things of the world, but to wholly trust God. He spoke to us from Matthew 14:22-36, the story of Peter walking on water. We must trust in God through every storm that we face. In our everyday lives, it is important to be mindful of what our eyes and our hearts are fixed on. Justin encouraged us to fix our eyes on Jesus and be sure of the faith that we have in Him. Because of our faith and trust in Jesus, we can be daring enough to step outside of our comfort zones and know that God will get us through the storms in our lives. 
We are looking forward to our last day here in Birmingham and finishing our last few houses! We are even more excited to see some of our homeowners come and visit with us tomorrow night for dinner, worship, and our closing celebration! Tomorrow will be a day full of hard work, fun, and fulfilling worship. We can’t wait to see what God will do through our squads on their last day with their homeowners and the surrounding community!
Thank you so much for your continued support of this project! Please continue to pray for the work being done and the people being reached this week!
Don’t forget to send your friends and family attending the project here in Birmingham this week a word of prayer or encouragement through ServeMail!
Your Summer Staff, 
Madi & Chad

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