Mission Serve Blog
Latest Updates from Mission ServeBuckhorn – Saturday
Happy Registration Day from Buckhorn Kentucky!
Almost all of our groups have arrived with an exception of two arriving tomorrow. This week we will have groups from Georgia, Virginia, South Carolina, and Alabama! Sunday we will be worshiping in 5 local churches. We are so grateful to these churches who are hosting us for worship and lunch.
Our youth groups have also been split into squads that they will worship and work with this week. The squads consist of Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, and Lima. All of our participants are excited to make new friends on and off the worksites.
Tonight, speaker Steve Brown spoke on finding our rainbows after a storm. In other words, Pastor Steve believes God is daring us to find His purpose for all of us this week at Mission Serve and in our lives.
Tomorrow, the groups will split into their squads to head off to church. After Church, the participants will receive training on what to expect when working in the special situations of our ministry sites. Having a welcoming community is what is so wonderful about this project.
Please remember to keep all of our participants in your prayers as they head off to work sites this week. Also, show your support by sending ServeMail to the mailboxes here in Buckhorn! Hope you all had a great Saturday.
Your Summer Staffers,
Olivia and Jackson