Mission Serve Blog

Latest Updates from Mission Serve

Saturday – Marion

Happy Registration Day, friends! We are here in Marion, OH and are very excited to be serving in this community. We have five churches here ranging from as far as Missouri to as close as Marion! Regardless of their length of commute, all churches arrived with the same energy and excitement. We are looking forward to spending a week with this group.

We jumped right into the fun this afternoon as the students got to spend time together playing several games with our speaker, Heath Holly! Meanwhile, the adults gathered to hear a sneak peak on what the week is going to look like.

After dinner, everyone was able to meet with their squad and hear which construction project they would be working on! After doing this, they were sent on a scavenger hunt in downtown Marion! It was so fun and it gave everyone the opportunity to get to know the people on their squad better.

We held a brief worship time tonight. We have a fantastic band this week and their first night leading was great! We got to know Heath a little better and he introduced our theme for the week: Daring.

Following worship, we had ice cream Sundaes! Several of our churches had a long drive so we were thankful for some extra rest this evening!

Tomorrow is going to be a very exciting and busy day. Please pray for our project as it takes off that we have an absolutely phenomenal week and allow ourselves to be used by God.

All week long, we ask that you send ServeMail to your friends and family to encourage them!

Check back tomorrow to hear what is happening here in Marion, OH.

Serving you this summer,
Jackson & Alexis

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Houston – Sunday


The Hurricane Harvey Relief Project is a GO! We have had a GREAT first day here in Friendswood, Texas. Our 3 church groups traveled from Illinois and Indiana and arrived safe and sound this afternoon and we are so excited that everyone is here. This week is going to be the best project yet!

After everyone unpacked and settled in, we had a great dinner and headed to worship. Tonight, our speaker, challenged us all this week with a God-sized task: to share our stories at least once. To further challenge us, he read from Romans 10:14-15, which tells us that God considers the feet of His messengers beautiful. Jesus called all of us to be disciple-makers, and tonight we were reminded of that and dared to do it.

Once worship finished up, we dismissed our participants to meet their squads for the first time and have the time to talk and get to know everyone before the first day on the job tomorrow. Roles were assigned to a few students who wanted to take on the responsibility as chaplain, break master, reporter and medics for the week. We are so thankful for these students for taking on these positions!

Please pray for our participants as they head out to their worksite tomorrow morning and for everyone to have a great week! Don’t forget to send your loved ones encouraging ServeMail this week!

Check back in tomorrow for more updates!

Your Summer Staff,
Jack and Jordan

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Puerto Rico Week 2 – Friday

Hello from Juana Díaz!

Today was the very last day of the work week. It was a satisfying day of finishing their worksites but also a sad goodbye to their homeowners. A lot of squads made friends with not just their homeowner, but their neighbors. They have made so many new friends within and outside of their squads. The relationships made here will never be forgotten!

Tonight was our closing celebration. We recognized everyone who helped make this week possible such as cooking team, band, coordinators, group leaders,  construction captains, squad leaders, and volunteer staff. Without them we could not have completed this project! Coach Rusty also gave a message about carrying what you have learned and felt over the week back home with us. He wanted to remind everyone that they do not have to be on a mission trip in order to spread the gospel and be one with the body of Christ. Every day should be an opportunity to serve anyone!

We are prepared for the bittersweet goodbyes that tomorrow morning brings as everyone heads home. This week has been one that no one will forget. We are so grateful for all of the prayers and support that you all have sent our way. Please continue to keep Juana Díaz in your prayers as well.

We hope everyone had a fantastic Friday!

Your Serve Staff,

Olivia and Claire

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Jeffersonville – Friday

Happy Friday!

Today was the last day of work here in Jeffersonville, IN! All of our squads worked so hard this week, even with rain and extremely hot weather some afternoons, and I am so proud of everyone! This week was so amazing, and I love how dedicated all of our participants were to finishing the jobs they started and making sure the name of Jesus was spread while doing so! Nearly all 10 squads finished, but 2 had just a little work left to be done. Those projects already have plans being made by some of the volunteers from here in Jeffersonville to knock out the last bit of work soon!

Tonight was our Closing Celebration and it was such a fun night! Multiple homeowners were able to make it to dinner and the Closing Celebration, and it warmed my heart to see them here! I love it when homeowners are able to show up and get a glimpse at the other side of what we do here at Mission Serve!

The service tonight was the perfect blend of fun and worshipful! We were able to have fun while also worshipping Jesus and singing His praises! Our speaker, Tony, brought a shorter message than usual, but that didn’t lessen the power or truthfulness of his words. One topic he touched on began with the following quote, “God doesn’t have a mission for the church. God has a church for the mission.” The Great Commission, to make disciples of all nations, is the mission. This mission wasn’t created for the church; however, the church was created to fulfill that mission. As children of God, we are the church, the body of Christ, and we are made to be sent out to spread the good news of our Savior to all the earth. The truth in this hit me and helped me realize that I’m not waiting around on God to give me something to do for Him; He created me to fulfill a specific mission of being His hands and feet to an unknowing, unbelieving world. The only question is whether we will step into the calling God has placed on our lives or not.

This project was so special to me and it blessed me in so many ways! It’s so sad to see it end! I am so glad I got to spend this week with all of these amazing people and see them step out in the name of Jesus! I am so grateful God allowed me to be here!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support this week! Please be in prayer for everyone as they travel back home tomorrow!

Signing Off,
Madi & Chad

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Charleston – Friday

It’s Friday, Friday gotta get DONE on Friday!

Today has been spectacular. We are so proud to announce that ALL 15 of our squads completed their projects. As well as some additional minor projects. They worked so hard this week that they even had time to spare in the afternoon and just hang out as a squad. 

Today at Lima’s squad we were fortunate enough to be able to visit with their homeowner Ms. Vicky. She has an incredible story. She invited around 20 of us into her living room and sang for us! It was phenomenal. She then allowed us to sing to her. God is so good we area so thankful for opportunities to bond with homeowners.

In the evening we had a very exciting celebration. We watched the Mission Cam first, and it was awesome. Everyone loved it. It will be available on the Mission Serve Vimeo page tomorrow! We then were able to recognize all of the people who made our project run so seamlessly. There was much cheering and encouraging as we announced each Construction Captain and Squad Leaders. We love seeing squads truly bond within the course of a week. 

The worship tonight was incredible. Our band, Mountain Collective, had an incredible set and everyone I the worship center was definitely ready to praise. Thomas talked about what it will look like to be back in our home communities. Will we take what we have learned and share it? Or will we miss the opportunities to do so and remain unchanged? We are excited to hear about how the participants here this week go forth after this week.

This week maybe over, but the memories and relationships formed will last a lifetime. To relive some moments  from the week, check our Facebook in the coming days for all the pictures taken here in Charleston, WV. We are praying for our groups as they return and look forward to seeing you all at another project, soon

Signing off,
Jackson & Alexis 


Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Charleston – Thursday

Welcome to thankful  Thursday. There is SO much to be thankful for. After a nice day off, we were able to visit worksites and recognize how well a day off served each of the squads. They were working at full speed making the most of the time remaining. 

We, again, had more people complete their projects and others who will have a very light Friday. A few squads will be relocated to work at the facility that we are staying at. There is much yard work that needs to be completed and some work around the front sign. We are so thankful that we were able to stay at St Albans High School this week and we are grateful for the opportunity to show our gratitude. 

The afternoon was very busy. Our final adult meeting took place. We were excited to share our schedule for next summer and share important details regarding those trips. We have had such phenomenal leadership within each of the churches this week. Thank you to each of our 8 churches for serving with us and being a part of the Mission Serve family. 

In the evening we had our concert of prayer. It was an incredible time of worship and reflection. Thomas emphasized the concept of consecration. He then transitioned into highlighting how we must offer our lives as living sacrifices as summarized in the beginning of chapter 12 of Romans. He then further elaborates on this concept and reveals that the best way to do so is to share the gospel. The end of this special service left participants feel confident in their need to go home and share first within their community then furthermore.

It has been a great day, but I feel as though tomorrow will be even better. Please pray for God to continue moving in our lives and the communities lives. Friends and family, thank you for your support as we wrap things up. 

Jackson & Alexis

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Jeffersonville – Thursday

Happy Thursday!

Only one day left this week! Our squads were back in full swing this morning after a fun and restful day yesterday! At least three squads have finished their original project and have moved on to help others, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the rest finish by lunchtime tomorrow! They’re all doing such amazing work and I can’t wait to celebrate them tomorrow night at our closing celebration!

Today was full of excitement! Another news channel came to interview participants at a work site, and the mayor of Jeffersonville visited a work site for an interview from Chad! (Click here for the news interview!)

Tonight was our Concert of Prayer-my favorite night of the week! God definitely showed up in that sanctuary and it was such an awesome night! It was a night filled with praise, sacrifice, love, worship, and of course, prayer. It was a beautiful sight to look up and see the hands of those around me raised in worship to Jesus and hearing every voice in the room praising our Savior! This time always blesses me, and tonight was no different!

This week is almost over, but I know the work God has started in each of these participants and those they have reached this week is only beginning! This has been a week to remember and I’m so glad I was able to be a part of it! Please continue to pray for everyone here, along with everyone they are reaching as this week comes to a close!

Don’t forget to send your friends and family attending the project here in Jeffersonville this week a word of prayer or encouragement through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,
Madi & Chad

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Puerto Rico Week 2 – Thursday

Howdy from Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico!

Today was another regular day on sites. Our squads got a lot accomplished and are very close to finishing up! Luckily they have one more day to complete their jobs. They are all so excited to see their projects through to the end!

Tonight, Coach Rusty talked about serving others before ourselves. He referenced Philippians 2:3. We have served this whole week but now we know why it is important to and who our serving is truly for. We serve together for God as the body of Christ.

Tomorrow will be our last day on sites. The goodbyes to our new homeowner friends will be hard, but hopefully they will join us at our Closing Celebration. At Closing Celebration, we will recognize everyone who helped make the project what it was. We are so grateful for our kitchen staff, volunteers, band, coordinators and more! Everyone is so crucial to a project and we are so blessed to all serve one another together!

Please keep our participants in your prayers as they head out for their last day of work. Also, send them their last bit of ServeMail to show them you care! Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Hope you all had a terrific Thursday!

Your Summer Staff,
Olivia and Claire

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Charleston – Wednesday

Welcome to Wednesday. It’s our half day and we are eager to have a nice break in our work week! This morning we battled a few patches of rain yet were still able to make some more progress! 

As mentioned yesterday, due to the hard working participants that we have at our project, we were able to begin on new projects today. Several will be finishing tomorrow afternoon, and Friday several squads will team up to finish any loose ends. It is amazing how much we are going to achieve this week, here in Charleston! 

After returning to the facility around 1pm. Everyone met up with their churches and rolled out to their activities. A few churches decided to take it easy and either go to the movies or go shopping while others decided to be adventurous and go to New River Gorge to go rafting! Regardless of the activity, everyone is super grateful for an afternoon of lots of play. 

We begin again tomorrow, bright and early, and expect to see God do great things as we work at our job sites for two more days! Please keep up in your prayers as we finish strong. Also, please pray over our Concert of prayer tomorrow evening. We are expecting to see God’s power and for the Holy Spirit to move in a mighty way.

You’ve done great so far! Keep up the great work by continuing to send ServeMail on these final days. 

That is all for now. Check back in tomorrow.

Jackson and Alexis 

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Puerto Rico Week 2 – Wednesday

​Hola from Juana Díaz,

Today, our squads headed out to their sites for a half of day. They worked super hard this morning. Their goal was to get as much as they could before lunch. Goal accomplished! As the squads came back to the school, they felt satisfied and ready for an afternoon off.

Youth groups headed off in several different directions this afternoon. Some went to snorkel, others visited a local rainforest and then to the beach for some sun, while others went hiking and visited a cave for their off day. Everyone had a great experience exploring Puerto Rico! When the groups got back to the school, they were ready to rest up for the next day of work on their sites!

Please keep our squads in your prayers as they finish of the week strong. Don’t forget to show your support through sending ServeMail!

Olivia and Claire

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Mission Serve
