Mission Serve Blog

Latest Updates from Mission Serve

Jeffersonville – Wednesday

Happy, Happy Wednesday!

Today was our half-day off, but for Jeffersonville it became a full day for most! The predicted weather came pouring in early this morning and lasted until lunchtime. Due to this weather, we kept our squads at the church for safety precautions, but they still got to enjoy the morning napping or playing games in the fellowship hall. The afternoon was spent outside of the church walls with their separate youth groups. Chad and I even got to spend this afternoon hanging out with one of the churches, getting to know them better, and visiting different places in Louisville, KY, which is about 15 minutes from Jeffersonville!

We didn’t have a worship service tonight due to the fact that our participants were elsewhere, but we’ll be back in action tomorrow evening for our Concert of Prayer and I know none of us can wait!

To add to the excitement, another news cover from Monday is available for you all if you click here! It’s so encouraging to see these articles and interviews that share this work and the love of Christ with the world!

Please continue to pray for everyone here this week, along with everyone they are reaching! Pray these awesome participants don’t let today’s workless hours make them feel discouraged, setback, or reluctant to press on for the last two days of the project! Pray that they continue to keep a steady eye on Jesus as this week comes to end soon!

Don’t forget to send your friends and family attending the project here in Jeffersonville this week a word of prayer or encouragement through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,
Madi & Chad

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Charleston – Tuesday

Hey y’all! It is TUESDAY here in Charleston and it has been a cool day. The work morning was very nice due to low temperatures and cloudy skies. Squads were making so much progress with the sun tucked away and not beating directly down on them. We are thankful for that. A hand full of squads finished at their first jobsite today, and will be relocated tomorrow morning to start on a whole new home. How awesome is that?

We have been so blessed by the local community and their support of the work that the participants are carrying out. We have had a few local churches reach out and ask to visit worksites and deliver popsicles to each and every hard worker. Thank you to those involved.

Additionally, several reporters from numerous squads highlighted that they have had numerous opportunities to speak to local individuals. Whether that’s a neighbor or someone else who happens to be passing through the area where the project is, people are very surprised as to why there are groups of students in the heat repairing roofs and building ramps.

In the evening, we gathered again for worship. The students have really enjoyed getting to know both the band and our speaker. Thomas always begins the services with giving a dare to a child from each church group. It has been very fun to watch and it is something that the students have loved doing each night.

In his message, Thomas centered in on the issue of racism and what our response to that is. This big topic then branched out into other topics but he settled on the question of whether or not, at the end of the week, we will carry what we have learned not only back home, but also beyond that. It was a truly convicting time and large group devotions were set up for much discussion.

That’s a wrap for day 2 of construction work. Thank you, as always, for supporting us prayerfully. We DARE you to continue to do so. Also, don’t forget to follow the link and continue faithfully sending ServeMail.

Check in tomorrow to hear all about the half day excitement.

Serving together,

Jackson & Alexis

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Puerto Rico Week 2 – Tuesday

Hola from Juana Díaz!

This Tuesday was a day full of hard work and fellowship. Our squads headed out for their second day on their worksites today. They all made a lot of accomplishments and finished out their day strong!

Tonight was our concert of prayer. This is a great opportunity for our participants to profess their faith and grow closer to God. We had so many blessed moments in the midst of the word of God. He is a father of grace and love in which we are undeserving but grateful. This night of worship was a wonderful reminder of the reason we are here.

Tomorrow will be a half work day and half off day. Our students have truly earned their afternoon off with all of the hard work they have put in! Some people will be going to beaches, mountain hikes, waterfalls, and more! They are all so excited to get to know the island more.

Please continue to pray for our students as they are being servants of the Lord out on their worksites. Also, remember to keep Puerto Rico in your prayers as well. Thank you for all that you do in supporting our participants and don’t forget to show your love through sending ServeMail!

Hope you all had a blessed Tuesday.

Your Summer Staffers,
Olivia and Claire

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Jeffersonville – Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!

Today, one of our squads finished their house! YAY! After they finished, they spent the rest of the day walking around the neighborhood, knocking on doors, and talking to people! Many of the other squads should be done tomorrow morning, just in time to go rest and have fun for their half-day off! The work here is moving along quickly, but with thunderstorms in the forecast for tomorrow, please be praying that the weather holds off so everyone can accomplish what needs to be done!

Tonight was another night of awesome worship, and another word from God spoken through Tony. Our dare was to accept and love those who are different, and to be honest with ourselves and God about how unfairly we might judge others. Tony read Revelation 14:6, which says, “Then I saw another angel flying high overhead, with the eternal gospel to announce to the inhabitants of the earth – to every nation, tribe, language, and people.” Tony pointed out through this scripture that it doesn’t matter what nationality you are, what language you speak, what people you come from – Jesus loves you and he wants to spend eternity with you. As followers of Christ, we should be no different. We shouldn’t single people out or judge them or make fun of them just because they’re different. “The greatest quality about Jesus was the way He loved others. If we’re going to follow Him and trust Him, we have to learn how to love like Him.” Tony stated. If we are truly following Christ and the example He was for us, our ultimate goal should be to love others, no matter where they come from, instead of judging them because of where they come from. “The closer you grow to Christ, the more love that is going to radiate from your body.” So, let’s take this challenge, apply it to our lives, and send the love of Christ out into to the world by the way that we treat others.

Please continue to pray for everyone here this week, along with everyone they are reaching! Pray for a fun and restful day for our participants as they spend tomorrow afternoon and evening with their separate churches during their half-day off, and that they continue to keep a steady eye on Jesus as this week continues!

Don’t forget to send your friends and family attending the project here in Jeffersonville this week a word of prayer or encouragement through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,
Madi & Chad

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Jeffersonville – Monday


Today each of our squads started this work week off with a bang! We have multiple squads talking about the potential of finishing their houses within the next day or two! The jobs that make up our ten squads include exterior painting, a kitchen remodel, vinyl siding repair, a roof, and an overhaul on an 83-acre property of an adoption agency that has become overgrown and untamable. (And that’s only half of it!)  These participants have already worked so hard this week and you can see the determination in their faces to keep it up for the glory of Jesus!

I’ve been told multiple times, just today, how much everyone is enjoying worship and how much they look forward to it each day! I don’t blame them! Our band and speaker have brought forth such powerful worship just in the two nights we’ve had together. Tonight, worship was no different. It was one of those services when it feels like God is wrapping His arms around you with His presence. It was such a powerful night, and I pray everyone else in the service got to experience God the way I did!

Our speaker, Tony, dared us not only to follow Jesus, like he dared us to do last night, but to also trust Jesus. He read Matthew 14:22-36, the story of Jesus walking on water and daring Peter to trust Him enough to get out of the boat and walk with Him. If you know the story, you know that Peter’s trust faltered when he took his eyes off of Jesus and he began to sink. Tony went on to talk about facing storms. He said, “Sometimes we cause the storms in our lives. Sometimes we don’t.” But whether we cause those storms or not, what matters is how we react to them. Will we let the storm take over like Peter did, or will we let Jesus take over? The big secret is simply to trust Jesus.

Not only was today special because our squads started on their work sites, Mission Serve also made an appearance on one of Jeffersonville’s local news channels! You can watch the short video here! What an exciting way to start of the week!

Please continue to pray for everyone here this week, along with the people in this community that our participants are reaching! Pray for safety at the worksites, good health, clear weather, and for the minds of these amazing people to stay focus on Jesus and the mission He has for us here.

Don’t forget to send your friends and family attending the project here in Jeffersonville this week a word of prayer or encouragement through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,
Madi & Chad

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Charleston – Monday

It is Monday and you know what that means: Work, work, work, work, work! And that we did. Our Supervisors and Runners were extremely surprised by the strides that have already be put forth and look forward to seeing how much progress will be made as the early days of this project unfold.

This morning our Great Send Off was very exciting. Our PC, David, prayed over the entire project as we step forth into what God has for us this. The vans and buses were very lively as they pulled out of the school parking lot.

The Alpha squad shared a really cool story with us today and informed us that their jobsite is located next to a local church group whom is also doing similar work nearby. This group heard that Mission Serve was coming and were inspired by the work that we would be doing and decided to do the same. Wow, God is so good!

This evening the band, Mountain Collective, produced an incredible time of worship where the Holy Spirit was very evident. Following this encounter, Thomas came and asked us to be daring and put our trust in God, completely. It was a great time of reflection and consideration.

We start again tomorrow, bright and early, and home to meet more people in the community, drive in more nails, and share our stories as Thomas challenged us to do on the first night! Don’t forget, you can always send us ServeMail! We love hearing from you!

Stay cool out there,
Jackson & Alexis




Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Puerto Rico Week 2 – Monday

Happy Monday from Juana Díaz!

Today was our first day on our sites for the work week. Of  course, we began our morning with the Great Sendoff! As we all gathered together, pastor Victor lead us in prayer. This was a great way to focus our hearts before a long day of work!

The work day was full of great achievements. One awesome thing about the Puerto Rico project is that some squads get to finish what our last week’s Mission Serve group started! The work load is so different here, but it is a great way to see that each project connects with one main goal: helping the city of Juana Díaz. So, as a few groups finished worksites, others began their main project of the week. We have some demolition, rebuilding, and roof sealing to do. Everyone is so excited to work hard this week and grow closer to one another, to Juana Díaz and to God!

Tonight, speaker Coach Rusty talked about having faith and trust in Jesus. He said that whether or not one believes in God does not keep God from existing. God is always there and He is always there for us! Rusty also reminded us that one can never fall too short of God’s love. God will forever have a lifeline for us. God loves each and every one of us, permanently!

Tomorrow will be another regular work day for our squads. Those who finished their sites on Monday will be given their main site. Those who already had their main site will continue to work on their project as well! We are so pumped that this week is already off to an amazing start

Please remember to keep Juana Díaz and our participants in your prayers this week. Also, show your support by sending ServeMail! Hope you all had a wonderful day!

Your Summer Staff,
Olivia and Claire

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Puerto Rico Week 2 – Sunday

Hola from Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico!

We had a great Sunday! We started the morning by meeting our squads. Next was church at our local supporting church Iglesias Bautista El Mesias! After church, we all joined together for lunch. Pastor Victor lead us in a great message of loving one another and spreading the love of Jesus!

Later on, everyone who was assigned a job such as, Breakmaster, Chaplain, Medic, or Reporter for their squad, was trained. It is so awesome to put our youth into leadership roles that they thrive in! We are so excited to see what this week has in store for our squads.

Tonight, Rusty gave a message about loving those who are not like you. He made a point that Jesus loved those who others deemed unloveable. He says that as Christians we should do the same. What a great seed to plant in the minds of those who will be meeting different types of people each day!

Tomorrow, our squads will head out for their first day on sites! Some will be building roofs, painting, or demolition. They are all so excited to get this week started and help out Puerto Rican communities!

Please continue praying for our participants and Juana Díaz as the week is just beginning. You can also show your support by sending ServeMail to your participant! We hope you all had a blessed Sunday!

Your Summer Staffers,
Olivia and Claire

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Charleston – Sunday

And we are back in Charleston and it has been an incredible day. After a late breakfast, we rolled out to attend church here locally at both First Baptist of St Albans and St Paul’s Baptist Church. There were both super welcoming and also provided delicious meals for everyone! We are very grateful.

Today we all wore our green Mission Serve shirts, and everyone gathered for a large group picture as well as church group pictures. Following this event was evangelism training. Thomas gave a brief explanation of why we specifically are here and described a fantastic way to share the gospel. Lastly, squad position training also took place this evening. Each squad has a Chaplain, Medic, Break Master, and Reporter. We are thankful for those who volunteered.

In the evening we came together again for worship. The band led us in a few amazing songs and everyone in the building was fully praising. It was so great! In his message, Thomas dared us to use our freedom in Christ in the same way that he used freedom: by loving others. He displayed this by washing two students feet. It was an eye opening experienced and many were humbled by this illustration.

Tonight everyone headed to bed early to prepare for a week of hard work! We appreciate your prayers and humble ask that you continue to pray over this project. We have already received so much ServeMail, please continue to send.

Severing you this summer,
Jackson & Alexis​

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Charleston – Saturday

Hey, hey! Welcome to Charleston, WV! It’s registration day, and it has been a busy one! We have 8 different churches ranging from as far away as Hopkinsville, KY to as close as St Albans, WV. Each were eager and excited to see what is in store for the week.

The first event of the day was the Welcoming Celebration where everyone came together to start off a week of fun. There was even a really cool DJ who came and energized the entire crowd. The students played fun games together while the adults attended an informative meeting that highlighted the main aspects of our week here in Charleston.

During worship, our speaker for the week, Thomas Herman, set the precedent for this week’s theme. Our theme is Daring and throughout the week he will be highlighting different aspects in our relationships with Christ that we need to be daring.

Later that night we met our squads for the week! We will have 15 different squads this week working on both roofs and wheel chair ramps as well as rather unique projects such a trail restorations and window repairs.

Tomorrow will be a fun day, filled with lots of activities. We can’t wait to share it all with you! Please pray for a impactful and safe week. Also be sure to send your friends and family ServeMail.

In Christ,
Jackson & Alexis

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Mission Serve
