
Mission Serve Blog

Latest Updates from Mission Serve

Knoxville – Monday

Happy Monday!

Today, the participants were up bright and early to start their day working on homes in the Knoxville area.  There are fourteen squads this week: four of the squads are working on paint jobs, and ten squad are working on roofing projects. The rain almost got everyone towards the end of the afternoon but they made it back to the church just in time.  All of the squads were very productive and came back to the church tired, but safe and smiling! Be sure to support your participant by sending them ServeMail!

After the squads rested and cleaned up, we all gathered together for a time of worship.  Tonight, Pastor Ryan read from John 13, his favorite passage from the Bible. He reminded students that our motivations must be for God, and not our own reasons. Jesus loved us completely and we must love our neighbors the same way. This message was a great reminder to start the work week.

After worship, our students had great talks in their youth group devotional time and played games in the fellowship hall and gym. It is really cool to see new friendships form and grow in this environment. Tomorrow, the squads head back out to the sites, pray that the rain stays away.

Searching for our Umbrellas,
Jenna & Sam

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Fair Bluff – Saturday


We are so excited to be serving in Columbus County, NC this week providing hurricane relief! Today we had over 300 participants from 14 different churches, ranging across 7 different states arrive. They were each bursting with energy and anticipation for the week ahead.

During orientation the students played several amusing games such “Garbage Grab Bag” and they even participated in a crazy scavenger hunt. It was so exciting to see everyone laughing and having fun while also meeting new people.

Our speaker, Thomas Samaha, kick off the week by teaching from John 1:29. Here he highlighted the price that Jesus payed for us and what we must do to share that love with others in a practical way.

Following our time of worship, participants were able to meet with their squads and hear about the work they would be carrying out this week. Additionally, they made plans for attending local churches within the surrounding community.

Today in all was a busy afternoon full of preparation and eagerness. We look forward to having a fantastic week and ask that you pray for safety and diligence throughout this project.

Check in here, everyday for an update on how all your friends and family are doing in Fair Bluff. Also be sure to encourage them by sending lots of ServeMail.

We look forward to sharing a great week with you!

Alexis & Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Knoxville – Sunday

Happy Sunday and Registration Day from Knoxville!

Today was the first day of the Knoxville 2019 project. All the churches involved this week arrived safely from the states of Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, and South Carolina, ready for a day of fun, fellowship, and worship.

Our amazing PC and CC, Jack Lister and Bill Cramer, welcomed participants as they arrived. Speaker Ryan Guzouskis read from Matthew 4 and spoke about the disciples’ immediate following of Jesus, daring students to have the same dedication and drive to serve Christ. It was a great message to start off our week in Tennessee.

The fourteen squads also met each other for the first time today and are ready to get to work tomorrow morning. Not only are the students ready to help the community, but so are all of our leaders. Make sure to keep the Knoxville project in your prayers and send us to show your support by sending ServeMail! We look forward to a wonder-filled, God-filled week!

Thank you so much for sending your love and prayers to our participants. Please continue to show them love by sending ServeMail!

Rolling into Knoxville,
Jenna & Sam

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Fort Wayne – Sunday

Happy Sunday from Ft. Wayne, Indiana!

Today was a jammed packed day full of praise, fun, and fellowship. Our morning began with fresh local donuts, so of course we knew it would be a great day! After breakfast, all of the participants went to our host church, Faith Baptist, for Sunday service. The pastor along with the rest of the church was very welcoming. They all prayed over our leaders, construction captains, and participants. We are so very grateful for their hospitality!

Following worship Faith Baptist treated us to lunch and an ice cream truck. They have definitely won over our hearts and our stomachs! We are so lucky that Faith Baptist ladies are our cook team for the week.

After satisfying our hunger and sweet-toothes, our squads visited their worksites to see what they have in store for this week. A few of the squads were lucky enough to meet their homeowners and begin building those relationship’s. All of the participants are very excited for new friendships and a hard work week! When our squads returned, we took group pictures and then began training for our squad positions — Medics, Reporters, Chaplains, and Break Masters.

Later on after dinner we began worship. Pastor Brandon spoke on loving our neighbor and loving like Christ. Everyone is ready to love each and every person they meet this week no matter what!

Thank you so much for sending your love and prayers to our participants. Please continue to show support by sending ServeMail as well! Hope you all had a blessed Sunday.

Your Summer Staffers,
Olivia and Jackson

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Saturday – Fort Wayne

It is a siked Saturday here in Fort Wayne!

Today was registration day. All of our church groups arrived safely and excited to be here. We are so happy to start this project!

After settling in, we did our opening celebration and adult meeting where everyone could get acquainted with one another. Everyone is open to making new friends and lifelong relationships. We all had dinner together and then worship. Our speaker Brandon spoke about being open to whatever God is calling each person to do this week. Our participants are looking forward to seeing what God has in store for each of them!

All of our participants then split into youth group devotions. After devotions, our squads got to meet one another. Tomorrow, they will all sit together at church and visit their worksites!

We are all pumped for this week. Please keep each of our participants in your prayers this week and show your love through sending ServeMail!


Your Summer Staffers,
Olivia and Jackson

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Savannah – Friday

Happy Friday!

Today, our squads went out to their worksites and finished up their jobs. We cannot thank God enough for the work he has done in Savannah this week and the work He will continue to do after we leave. This week, the squads completed a roof and painted 4 houses.

After returning from their sites, the participants were treated to a dinner of chicken tenders and mac-n-cheese, a BIG hit. After, we had our closing celebration and recognized the astounding leadership this week. We would not be able to pull off this project without our amazing project coordinator, construction coordinator, construction captains, squad leaders, group leaders, first aid coordinator, cooking team, worship band, speaker, and other volunteers. Without the amount of work they put in, the Savannah project could not be as wonderful as it is. Speaker Jon Tillman closed up the service with a great message of carrying home the lessons and dedication of God.

One of the best stories from this week comes from one of our churches. Before coming to Savannah, one participant came to Christ and decided to be baptized while at the project. During their off day on Wednesday, the church went to Tybee Island and the participant was baptized in the ocean. On Thursday, during the Concert of Prayer and Youth Group Devotions, three more participants from the same church came to know God and wanted to be baptized too. Today, after all the squads returned from their sites, the church returned to Tybee and baptized those students. It’s truly amazing to see God work within the lives of these kids and see how He has changed their hearts.

Tomorrow morning, the churches will return home and we wish them the safest of travels. Thanks for a great week and we hope to you y’all next year!

Signing Off from Savannah,
Jenna and Sam

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

West Frankfort – Friday


Everyone was super sad that today was the last day on the work sites but from the beginning of the day all participants were excited and eager to take on the day! It is very exciting to say that all the projects were completed this afternoon on the job sites, God is so good!

This week a lot of the squads were blessed to be able to connect and form relationships with their homeowners. Three of the homeowners were able to come eat dinner with everyone and attend our final worship service! We loving seeing the impact that these students were able to make on the small town of West Frankfort.

During our Closing Celebration tonight, we recognized all of the hard work that was put into this week from all of our students. We had a shout out to our Band, Project Coordinator, Construction Coordinator, Construction Captains, Squad Leaders, Kitchen Staff and Volunteers and everyone cheered! Our project would not be able to function without all these amazing people!

Tonight our speaker spoke about what Jesus did and how he was first to love. He ended the night by daring us to love like Jesus does and letting everyone go home with the love of God on their minds.

It was so hard to say goodbye to everyone here in West Frankfort before groups leave in the early morning. We wish safe travels to everyone as they head home and hope they will remember their memories from their time here in West Frankfort.

Thank you so much for checking in throughout the week and showing your support. We hope everyone has an amazing week and a great rest of the summer!

Signing off from West Frankfort,
Jordan & Chad

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Savannah – Thursday

Happy, happy Thursday!

Today, our squads headed back out to sites after a restful and fun afternoon off. The weather was pretty hot today but everyone drank water, stayed hydrated, and kept up a positive attitude.

Tonight, the band and speaker lead a powerful and emotional Concert of Prayer. This service is a time of prayer, worship, and inward reflection of the week and one’s walk with Christ. This service is a beautiful time where God’s presence is truly felt and the atmosphere is totally focused on God. It’s amazing to see what God has put on the hearts and minds of participants during this time.

Tomorrow, the squads head out for their last day of work and to finish up their projects. It’s so cool to see the work that God has done this week! Be sure to send a final word of encouragement to your participants through ServeMail!

With Love,
Jenna and Sam

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

West Frankfort – Thursday

Happy Friday Eve!! (Thursday)

What an awesome day it has been here in West Frankfort! All squads were very close to finishing their roofs today and will be able to complete them tomorrow! One squad has already finished and will be moving to help another. How exciting!

The weather really helped us out today, it was sunny but not too hot and everyone was able to get work done smoothly. Participants were so excited when Jeremy Myers and the rest of our band took popsicles around to the job sites!

This evening we held our concert of prayer, and an amazing concert it was! The students entered the worship center in silence, but as soon as everyone was in place the band started in on Open the Eyes of My Heart (an oldie, but a goodie) and the room was filled with the sweet sound of 150+ lifting their voices to the God of the universe. Jeremy and the band led us through a variety of points, all intended to remind us of our COMMISSION to live the truth of the gospel both here and at home. It was a meaningful experience that grew to a crescendo as everyone sang in celebration of the calling they share in Christ. The Spirit of the Lord made His presence known and moved in powerful ways.

Everyone is super sad that tomorrow is our last day but we are going to make it the best one yet! Please continue to pray for all our participants as they head out for their last day on the job site and say their finally goodbyes to their homeowners.

Also, continue to show your support on our finally days through sending ServeMail! We hope everyone had a blessed Thursday!

Your Summer Staffers,
Jordan & Chad

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Savannah – Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!

Today, our squads got up and worked on their construction sites for half a day. The Romeo squad was able to finish up painting their home and will be helping the Alpha squad finish up the roof tomorrow.

After returning from sites, the squads have the afternoon off to go explore Savannah and Tybee Island. Some churches visited River St. in Savannah while others went to the beach at Tybee. While at the beach, one participant was baptized and the scene was absolutely beautiful. God is doing amazing work here in Savannah!

Tomorrow, the squads return to their sites for another great day of work! Be sure to send them encouragement through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staffers,
Jenna & Sam

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Mission Serve
