Welcome to thankful  Thursday. There is SO much to be thankful for. After a nice day off, we were able to visit worksites and recognize how well a day off served each of the squads. They were working at full speed making the most of the time remaining. 

We, again, had more people complete their projects and others who will have a very light Friday. A few squads will be relocated to work at the facility that we are staying at. There is much yard work that needs to be completed and some work around the front sign. We are so thankful that we were able to stay at St Albans High School this week and we are grateful for the opportunity to show our gratitude. 

The afternoon was very busy. Our final adult meeting took place. We were excited to share our schedule for next summer and share important details regarding those trips. We have had such phenomenal leadership within each of the churches this week. Thank you to each of our 8 churches for serving with us and being a part of the Mission Serve family. 

In the evening we had our concert of prayer. It was an incredible time of worship and reflection. Thomas emphasized the concept of consecration. He then transitioned into highlighting how we must offer our lives as living sacrifices as summarized in the beginning of chapter 12 of Romans. He then further elaborates on this concept and reveals that the best way to do so is to share the gospel. The end of this special service left participants feel confident in their need to go home and share first within their community then furthermore.

It has been a great day, but I feel as though tomorrow will be even better. Please pray for God to continue moving in our lives and the communities lives. Friends and family, thank you for your support as we wrap things up. 

Jackson & Alexis

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