
Happy Sunday everyone!

We had a great registration day here in Charlotte, NC. All six of our churches arrived safely from North Carolina, Alabama, and Virginia. Everyone got to enjoy some fun games and entertainment led by fellow students at opening celebration before heading to dinner and worship.

Tonight in worship, our speaker for the week, Justin Schultz, gave us an opening look into this weeks message based out of Acts Chapter 9. Following worship, our participants were able to enjoy some devotional time with their youth groups before heading to squad assignments where they were given roles such as Break Master, Medic, Chaplain, and Reporter. Following this, they headed to training for each of their specific jobs.

Tomorrow morning, we will head out bright and early to the job sites. As the participants are settling down for the night, excited to head out to work, we ask that you pray for their safety this week along with our participants individually, our homeowners, and anyone we will meet and talk with along the week.

We are so excited to be in Charlotte this week and know God is going to move in amazing ways!

Make sure to send your students, family, and friends encouraging letters using ServeMail!

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.