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  • How do I apply for Mission Serve Summer Staff?
    Complete the online application by November 17. You will be contacted to setup a interview time once a completed application is received.
  • Is there an interview process?
    After reviewing the applications, Mission Serve National Staff will notify you whether or not you have been selected for a phone call interview. After the phone call interview, we will notify the applicants that we would like to do a second interview with through a video call with multiple staff members. Applicants will be notified of our final decision after the second interview.
  • How old do I have to be?
    You must be at least 18 and be at least one year removed from high school in order to apply.
  • Do I get paid?
    Yes! Summer staffers are paid $200 per week for up-to ten weeks.
  • How long will I be employed?
    Training begins the last week of May and usually lasts 10-12 days. Projects start the first week of June and run through the last week of July. There will be a 3-4 day mandatory debriefing time after the last project. Total time is generally 9-10 weeks. Schedules will be available in late Spring as project locations are finalized.
  • Will I be trained?
    You will take part in a mandatory summer staff training that takes place at the beginning of the summer and last 10-12 days.
  • Do I have to drive my own vehicle?
    We will coordinate with staff members on travel to and from our office at the beginning and end of the summer. Mission Serve vehicles are provided for any travel once you arrive.
  • Do I get to choose what projects I go to?
    No. The Mission Serve National Staff will make project assignments based on several factors and prayerful consideration.
  • What experience should I have?
    Certain experience is preferred but not mandatory for each position. Check out the application for information on preferred experience.
  • Will I be able to visit worksites or spend time working on a worksite?
    We strongly encourage Summer Staff to develop relationships with participants and group leaders, and spending time at worksites is a great way to build those relationships. Unfortunately, being a part of a squad and working all day at a worksite isn’t possible for Summer Staff. Once other tasks are complete, Summer Staff are strongly encouraged to visit worksites as time allows. Additionally, the TPS will be visiting worksites frequently to film for the Mission Cam and the APS will have opportunities throughout the week to visit worksites as well.
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