We are so excited to be serving in Columbus County, NC this week providing hurricane relief! Today we had over 300 participants from 14 different churches, ranging across 7 different states arrive. They were each bursting with energy and anticipation for the week ahead.
During orientation the students played several amusing games such “Garbage Grab Bag” and they even participated in a crazy scavenger hunt. It was so exciting to see everyone laughing and having fun while also meeting new people.
Our speaker, Thomas Samaha, kick off the week by teaching from John 1:29. Here he highlighted the price that Jesus payed for us and what we must do to share that love with others in a practical way.
Following our time of worship, participants were able to meet with their squads and hear about the work they would be carrying out this week. Additionally, they made plans for attending local churches within the surrounding community.
Today in all was a busy afternoon full of preparation and eagerness. We look forward to having a fantastic week and ask that you pray for safety and diligence throughout this project.
Check in here, everyday for an update on how all your friends and family are doing in Fair Bluff. Also be sure to encourage them by sending lots of ServeMail.
We look forward to sharing a great week with you!
Alexis & Jack