Welcome back!
It is Sunday in Fair Bluff and we are already having a blast. We started off the day the best way that we know how by attending local churches in the surrounding area. The community has been extremely supportive and welcoming. Each squad was served a delicious meal and encouraged by how dedicated these churches are to the mission we are carrying out this week. These churches will also be delivering lunches to the squads each day. We are so grateful!
This afternoon consisted of many important activities. We all wore our Mission Serve t-shirts today and took photos with our church and as an entire group. Additionally, members within each squad took on leadership role in order to work as a well-oiled machine. Our important positions consist of a Medic, Chaplain, Break Master, and Reporter.
In the evening, Thomas centered his message around Galatians 5:13-14 and challenged us by asking us how we will use the freedom that we have in Christ. This week we have the perfect opportunity to love and serve others and he ended our time together by daring us to do so.
We finished the evening with lots of basketball being played in the gym, devotions with church groups, and much action at the Mission Serve promo table. The real work begins tomorrow and we could not be more thrilled.
Please continue to pray for our project that everyone will be safe and that we all share the love of Christ in a practical way.
Also, don’t forget to write ServeMail to out participants.
Stay cool out there,
Jack & Alexis