
Hello friends and family.

It is Thursday at the NC Hurricane Relief project and it has been phenomenal. It has been a day of hard work and dedication preparing for the close of each project. Several sites even finished their jobs early and are relocating tomorrow to help others that have a heavy work load!

On site with both Mike and Lima, Bryant from WECT came to check out the work that we have been doing this week. He was really surprised to see the amount of students that were there and the volume of work they were carrying out! He also interviewed our PC, Joe Monk, and two students! Check out the news piece HERE!

We also had our final adult meeting and construction captain meeting. We are so thankful for all of the adults that have volunteered to be both squad leaders and construction captains. Everyone has done a fantastic job.

In the evening we had our concert of prayer. It was an indescribable experience completely emerged in a wave of the Holy Spirit. There were several people who softened their hearts and surrendered to the Lord and gave their life to Him. During this powerful service we also were able to give our offering to God with pure hearts. It was an unforgettable experience. Praise the Lamb!

Tomorrow is going to be a super exciting day! We have lots of fun things planned as we close out this project and celebrate all that God has done.

There is one day left to send ServeMail and we are still wanting to hear from you.

As always please be praying for God’s will to be done and for safety for everyone here at the project.

Check back in for more fun tomorrow!

Getting the job done, your Summer Staff,
Jack & Alexis

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