Hey, hey it’s Tuesday, and it has been terrific!
Despite the intense heat and seemingly long duration of time spent working yesterday, participants woke up motivated and ready for action. They filled up their coolers with lots of ice, grabbed the bottles of water, and loaded up on the vans.
We were blessed to experience a fantastic shift in weather today. The humidity levels were much lower and there was even a swift, ongoing breeze that kept the volunteers motivated.
Both our band and speaker were out and about visiting sites. The band even bought popsicles for everyone working! They were all so excited.
On Monday, members from the Charlie squad reported sharing the gospel with a child who lived in the home that they were working on. He decided to accept Christ and the squad prayed with him. Yesterday, they returned to the home to begin working and saw him up and reading his Bible. Our God is so good!
Early on in the project, we were very concerned with the number of bottles of Water and Gatorade that we had collected. Yesterday we received several cases on both and now have more than enough bottles of water to supply the participants for the rest of the week. The community has been endlessly generous and we are all extremely grateful.
Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witness both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Tonight, Thomas challenged us to get out of our own Jerusalem. And to allow God to led us to the right place and share with the right people. It was an insanely powerful time of worship and several people were moved to repentance.
Tomorrow is our half day and everyone is so excited. Several groups are planning to go to Myrtle Beach while others are thinking of going to see a movie! It is going to be a great day. Please pray for a safe time for everyone and even that we may have opportunities to share our story with whomever we come in contact with.
We are halfway through our project, and could definitely use some encouragement. Send some ServeMail! We would love to hear from you!
Check in with us tomorrow!
In Christ,
Jack & Alexis