Hey, we are back!

It’s Wednesday which means it is half day! Our participants have worked hard for the past two days and are very eager for a fun-filled afternoon off.

Upon arriving back at the facility, we had several reports of people coming to Christ while on the job sites! It was incredible to hear about the way the Holy Spirit has moved in the lives of students who are here. As a result, several have also decided to take the next step and be baptized. A few churches decided to do so in the ocean as a part of their free day.

Several churches decided to spend time in the Myrtle Beach area both lounging on the beach and also shopping at popular places in the area. Other churches did fun activities such as putt-putt, go-carts, and some even were able to hang out in a lazy river!

Due to the fact that today was free day, we did not have evening worship. However, please be praying for our project tomorrow as we have the concert of prayer. We are expecting God to move in a mighty way and cannot wait to share what all He has done.

Keep sending us ServeMail, the participants love hearing from you.

Tomorrow is a new, full work day and we expect even more exciting stories of adventure and God’s grace. Check back soon for another update.

Serving you this summer,
Jack & Alexis

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