It’s been another busy day here in Forest City, North Carolina! This morning, the participants got up bright and early to start another day at the worksites. Even though the 6 am breakfast comes early, the participants were awake and had a great servant’s attitude as they left for their sites.

Tonight for worship, we held our Concert of Prayer. The band led us in songs like “Holy Spirit” which truly shared the Gospel and proclaimed glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ. Instead of a normal message, tonight was set aside as a night entirely dedicated to prayer, and the importance of sharing the Gospel. Rusty had the participants get together in groups of 6, and pray for each other and speak truth through Scripture with each other. He also gave us a message about showing other’s the love of Christ, and praying that they will be a witness to others in their lives who do not know Christ. Tonight was a special night, and God was definitely in the worship area with us tonight.

Tomorrow the participants are being treated to half of a day off to explore Forest City and the surrounding areas! After a few days of very hard work, it is well deserved. Please keep us in your prayers as we finish up the week in Forest City, North Carolina. Pray specifically for the participants as they are working to share the Gospel with those that they come in contact with. Pray that others will see Christ in them even as they are working in the hot sun.

There is still time to send your participant ServeMail by clinking on this link. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, and Snapchat to keep up with the latest news and pictures from Mission Serve!


Check back tomorrow for more news from Forest City! Goodnight!

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