
Fabulous Friday from Fort Wayne!

Today was the last day of our work week. All of our worksites were completed today. We are so proud of the hard work that each of our participants were able to accomplish this week!

This evening a majority of our homeowners joined us for supper and worship. It was so nice seeing them off of the worksite and each squad was super excited to be able to break bread and worship the Lord with their new friends.

Tonight, we recognized all of the people who helped make this project happen. We are so very appreciative to our Coordinators, Volunteers, Construction Captains, Squad Leaders, Runners, Speaker, and Band! After recognize our awesome team, Brandon spoke about carrying our love and service home with us. He wanted us to remember to constantly keep God in our hearts and actions. It was a great message!

We said our goodbyes and tears tonight as we pack up to leave tomorrow. We pray that each youth group had a great time and safe travels.

Thank you so much for keeping our participants in your prayers this week. We truly could not have done this without all of your support!

Have a blessed summer!

Your Summer Staffers,
Olivia and Jackson

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