
Happy Thursday from Fort Wayne, Indiana!

Our squads headed out for their fourth day on sites today. One of our squads finished a second project and are heading to a third tomorrow! We are making such great progress.

On one of our ramp sites today Isaac, a young boy from the home who is in a wheelchair, rode down his new ramp for the first time. This was such an amazing moment for Isaac, his family, and the squad. God is so good and so present!

Tonight Brandon spoke about loving those who aren’t always like you. It is so great that our students have bonded with people this week who aren’t exactly like them. Like Isaac, for example, has made great friends with our participants. He will be attending our service tomorrow night as well as other homeowners from this week. We cannot wait to worship with our new friends!

Tomorrow, our squads head out for their last days on their projects. They have worked so hard this week and we are so proud of all they have done. We can’t wait to finish off our work week with our closing celebration and bittersweet goodbyes! These friendships are forever and we are so grateful for meeting each and every person.

Please continue to support your students through prayer and sending ServeMail! Thank you for all of your encouragement this week and we hope you all had a great Thursday!

Your Summer Staffers,
Olivia and Jackson

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