Hello from a Tuesday in Fort Wayne !

Today our squads headed out for their second day on sites. They were excited for more work and fellowship with one another.

They all made a lot of headway on their projects and grew closer to their homeowners! The relationships they are building will never be forgotten. One squad’s homeowner let them pick Mulberries from his bush and another homeowner bought their squad afternoon pizza! They are so grateful we are here and we are so grateful for their warm hearts. Our students are being wonderfully impacted while making a true impact on a community.

This evening is our concert of prayer. Our students will be putting their faith out in the open for God. This was an awesome opportunity for them to grow their relationship with Christ or begin one in general. Speaker Brandon reminded the students that their offering amount is not what matters but what matter is that they are cheerful givers. He also reminded us that Jesus made the ultimate offering. It was a very powerful experience. God was clearly at work during our service tonight.

Tomorrow our students will have a half day of work and the rest of the day off. They really have earned their half day!

Please continue to pray for each participant this week. We all know how hard it is to continue working after a break! Send your love and support through ServeMail to help them persevere through this hard but exciting week. Praying you all had blessed Tuesday.

Your Summer Staffers,
Olivia and Jackson

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