Another great day here in Jalapa, Guatemala. We have 3 squads working in the community here: a construction squad, a ministry squad, and a medical squad.

Our construction squad is making progress pouring the concrete floor for a new kitchen at Centro Misionero Iglesia Bautista, our host church. Once finished, the kitchen will help the church prepare and feed meals to many families in the community as well as other mission teams who come to Jalapa.

Our ministry team held VBS for the children in an area of Jalapa called El Terrero. Over 200 children from the surrounding community showed up for games, crafts, snacks, and Bible stories.

And we have to give a shoutout to our medical squad. For the second day in a row they provided care for over 300 patients! People from all over the community lined up for dental care, eye care, and medical care from the team. Tonight they get some much needed rest as they head out tomorrow to do it all over again.

For the past 2 nights we’ve had the unique privilege of having some of the youth group from the local church here in Jalapa join us for our nightly worship service. What a pleasure it has been to worship alongside teenagers from another country who are in our COMMUNITY as brothers and sisters in Christ. We can’t wait for what God has in store for the rest of the week!

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