What an incredible day here in Jalapa! Our construction team finished their main project today with one day to spare. They’ve worked so hard that tomorrow they are going to complete their second project for the week. The ministry squad got the opportunity to go in to a local school this morning and spend time with the children. They invited all the children to come to VBS this afternoon and over 100 showed up! They’re having a blast making crafts, playing games, and loving on the children of Jalapa. The medical team saw over 300 people again today for the third day in a row. So far this week they have provided care to over 1000 people here in Jalapa!

Tomorrow is the last day on the worksites for our squads. We’ll work to finish up any projects, wrap up VBS, and see the last patients at the medical clinic. Friday we’ll take a much needed day off in Antigua to enjoy the beautiful country of Guatemala. Please pray that tomorrow goes well and that we can finish everything we have set out to do this week.

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