
Hooray for Friday!

What a beautiful day! All of squads were able to complete their worksites by mid-afternoon which left them more time for showers and hanging out with friends. This week twelve squads took on 14 sites. The squads busted it out today and we are proud of them! These squads have worked with passion and servant hearts. We are so blessed by our good, good Father!

To wrap up the week, we had closing ceremony. We are so appreciative to everyone in a leadership position for taking time out of their busy schedules to serve with us this week. We’d especially love to thank the band, volunteers, lodging facility, speaker and project coordinator.

Rusty gave his final message tonight about how to keep our passion for God alive as we travel back home. He reminded us about how preaching the gospel with our lives can speak mountains over how we speak of God’s love with our words. However, in order for God to guide our lives, we must trust in Him fully. This lead Rusty to his next point of ‘Let Go and Let God’. Rusty used this point to reiterate that we need to trust in God to not only guide us, but also autocorrect our lives. While we need to let our Lord work in our lives daily, the things we do through Him should be passionate. Rusty reminded us that it is common to forget the fire we have for Jesus once we leave our Christian community, but in order to keep the passion of our Savior, we must keep that flame even after the emotion is gone.

Not only is this the last Friday of the Huntsville project, but also, it is the last Friday of the 2018 Mission Serve projects. On behalf of Sam and I, I would like to say thank you to everyone who was involved this summer. It has been incredible to visit projects around the United States and witness God’s continual love through each of them. Thank you for a incredible summer and an opportunity for us to get to meet your participants and/or loved one. Even though we are sad to see everyone leave tomorrow, we pray for everyone’s safe travels home. We pray that the relationships made this week continue and the faith that has started this week continues to grow.

Signing Off,
Lauren and Sam
Mission Serve Summer Staff

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