
Greetings from Huntsville, Alabama on this blessed Sunday!

We are thrilled to host seven churches this week! They arrived today after long travels from South Carolina, North Carolina, Illinois, and Maryland. This week we will have over twelve squads. These groups will be working on siding, power washing, painting and roofing. We have full confidence our participants will work faithfully and remember to hydrate! Please keep the safety of all the participants in mind as you think about them working and disciplining in the Huntsville community.

Our project kicked off with our opening ceremony where the students participated in games such as a lip-sync battle. This was one of our most enthusatic kick-off ceremonies. We could not be more eager to see what this week has in store considering the volume of love these students have.

Our speaker, Rusty, talked to the participants about the comfort in their relationship with our Lord. He explained how our relationship with the Lord cannot be ‘snuggled’ because it is not always warm and fuzzy. When sin takes control of our life or mistakes are made, we find it difficult to sallow our own pride or guilt to see that we are restored in His eyes.

All of our participants are thrilled to head out for their first day of work tomorrow. We ask that you pray for everyone involved in this project! Don’t forget that you can send your friends and family a word of encouragement through ServeMail!

Warm Wishes,
Lauren and Sam

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