
Howdy from Huntsville on this wonder filled Wednesday!

We had a great day on the worksites! God has blessed us with cloud cover and low temperature. Despite only having a half day on the site, some of our groups finished or got close to done. We are so proud of them and their accomplishments!

Churches departed for fun activities around the Huntsville area such as the mall, bowling, tours of the veteran’s museum and laser tag. Tonight, all groups returned to the project rested, relaxed and eager to get back to their worksites tomorrow morning.

We did not have worship tonight, but we will pick right back up tomorrow night with another powerful message and card board testimonies.

Please continue to pray for strength and perseverance for our students and adults as they finish strong. Remember your students, friends and loved-ones would love to hear directly from you, so make sure to send them some ServeMail!

Best Blessings,
Lauren and Sam
Mission Serve Summer Staff

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