Today each of our squads started this work week off with a bang! We have multiple squads talking about the potential of finishing their houses within the next day or two! The jobs that make up our ten squads include exterior painting, a kitchen remodel, vinyl siding repair, a roof, and an overhaul on an 83-acre property of an adoption agency that has become overgrown and untamable. (And that’s only half of it!)  These participants have already worked so hard this week and you can see the determination in their faces to keep it up for the glory of Jesus!

I’ve been told multiple times, just today, how much everyone is enjoying worship and how much they look forward to it each day! I don’t blame them! Our band and speaker have brought forth such powerful worship just in the two nights we’ve had together. Tonight, worship was no different. It was one of those services when it feels like God is wrapping His arms around you with His presence. It was such a powerful night, and I pray everyone else in the service got to experience God the way I did!

Our speaker, Tony, dared us not only to follow Jesus, like he dared us to do last night, but to also trust Jesus. He read Matthew 14:22-36, the story of Jesus walking on water and daring Peter to trust Him enough to get out of the boat and walk with Him. If you know the story, you know that Peter’s trust faltered when he took his eyes off of Jesus and he began to sink. Tony went on to talk about facing storms. He said, “Sometimes we cause the storms in our lives. Sometimes we don’t.” But whether we cause those storms or not, what matters is how we react to them. Will we let the storm take over like Peter did, or will we let Jesus take over? The big secret is simply to trust Jesus.

Not only was today special because our squads started on their work sites, Mission Serve also made an appearance on one of Jeffersonville’s local news channels! You can watch the short video here! What an exciting way to start of the week!

Please continue to pray for everyone here this week, along with the people in this community that our participants are reaching! Pray for safety at the worksites, good health, clear weather, and for the minds of these amazing people to stay focus on Jesus and the mission He has for us here.

Don’t forget to send your friends and family attending the project here in Jeffersonville this week a word of prayer or encouragement through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,
Madi & Chad

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