Happy Thursday!

Only one day left this week! Our squads were back in full swing this morning after a fun and restful day yesterday! At least three squads have finished their original project and have moved on to help others, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the rest finish by lunchtime tomorrow! They’re all doing such amazing work and I can’t wait to celebrate them tomorrow night at our closing celebration!

Today was full of excitement! Another news channel came to interview participants at a work site, and the mayor of Jeffersonville visited a work site for an interview from Chad! (Click here for the news interview!)

Tonight was our Concert of Prayer-my favorite night of the week! God definitely showed up in that sanctuary and it was such an awesome night! It was a night filled with praise, sacrifice, love, worship, and of course, prayer. It was a beautiful sight to look up and see the hands of those around me raised in worship to Jesus and hearing every voice in the room praising our Savior! This time always blesses me, and tonight was no different!

This week is almost over, but I know the work God has started in each of these participants and those they have reached this week is only beginning! This has been a week to remember and I’m so glad I was able to be a part of it! Please continue to pray for everyone here, along with everyone they are reaching as this week comes to a close!

Don’t forget to send your friends and family attending the project here in Jeffersonville this week a word of prayer or encouragement through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,
Madi & Chad

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