Happy Tuesday!

Today, one of our squads finished their house! YAY! After they finished, they spent the rest of the day walking around the neighborhood, knocking on doors, and talking to people! Many of the other squads should be done tomorrow morning, just in time to go rest and have fun for their half-day off! The work here is moving along quickly, but with thunderstorms in the forecast for tomorrow, please be praying that the weather holds off so everyone can accomplish what needs to be done!

Tonight was another night of awesome worship, and another word from God spoken through Tony. Our dare was to accept and love those who are different, and to be honest with ourselves and God about how unfairly we might judge others. Tony read Revelation 14:6, which says, “Then I saw another angel flying high overhead, with the eternal gospel to announce to the inhabitants of the earth – to every nation, tribe, language, and people.” Tony pointed out through this scripture that it doesn’t matter what nationality you are, what language you speak, what people you come from – Jesus loves you and he wants to spend eternity with you. As followers of Christ, we should be no different. We shouldn’t single people out or judge them or make fun of them just because they’re different. “The greatest quality about Jesus was the way He loved others. If we’re going to follow Him and trust Him, we have to learn how to love like Him.” Tony stated. If we are truly following Christ and the example He was for us, our ultimate goal should be to love others, no matter where they come from, instead of judging them because of where they come from. “The closer you grow to Christ, the more love that is going to radiate from your body.” So, let’s take this challenge, apply it to our lives, and send the love of Christ out into to the world by the way that we treat others.

Please continue to pray for everyone here this week, along with everyone they are reaching! Pray for a fun and restful day for our participants as they spend tomorrow afternoon and evening with their separate churches during their half-day off, and that they continue to keep a steady eye on Jesus as this week continues!

Don’t forget to send your friends and family attending the project here in Jeffersonville this week a word of prayer or encouragement through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,
Madi & Chad

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