Happy, Happy Wednesday!

Today was our half-day off, but for Jeffersonville it became a full day for most! The predicted weather came pouring in early this morning and lasted until lunchtime. Due to this weather, we kept our squads at the church for safety precautions, but they still got to enjoy the morning napping or playing games in the fellowship hall. The afternoon was spent outside of the church walls with their separate youth groups. Chad and I even got to spend this afternoon hanging out with one of the churches, getting to know them better, and visiting different places in Louisville, KY, which is about 15 minutes from Jeffersonville!

We didn’t have a worship service tonight due to the fact that our participants were elsewhere, but we’ll be back in action tomorrow evening for our Concert of Prayer and I know none of us can wait!

To add to the excitement, another news cover from Monday is available for you all if you click here! It’s so encouraging to see these articles and interviews that share this work and the love of Christ with the world!

Please continue to pray for everyone here this week, along with everyone they are reaching! Pray these awesome participants don’t let today’s workless hours make them feel discouraged, setback, or reluctant to press on for the last two days of the project! Pray that they continue to keep a steady eye on Jesus as this week comes to end soon!

Don’t forget to send your friends and family attending the project here in Jeffersonville this week a word of prayer or encouragement through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,
Madi & Chad

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