
Happy Monday everyone!

We had a great first day out on job sites. We started the morning off with breakfast and the Great Send Off! Our squads were only able to work a half of a day due to weather complications but were able to get a lot accomplished in the time they did spend on their sites.

Tonight, before worship, we had a member from each squad share a God Moment that happened out on their sites today. Some had homeowners that voluntarily prayed with them, others shared stories of specific songs coming on at just the right time, or homeowners going out of their way to help provide tools and other things to the squads. Our worship band led a powerful service in which the Holy Spirit could be seen moving throughout our participants. Our speaker Caleb read out of Acts 9 tonight. He talked of transformation and being restored to share Christ. He talked about how we must seek Christ first and allow him to change us before we are able to go out with the power of the Holy Spirit and glorify Him. He shared of how we need to be responsive to the Lord’s call on our lives and ended by challenging us to become obedient followers of Christ so that we can live in harmony with the Holy Spirit.

As the day has come to a close we ask that you please continue to keep our participants, homeowners, and everyone they will interact with this week in your prayers! Don’t forget to send your friends, family, and members of your church encouraging words throughout the week using ServeMail!

In Christ,

Kate and Jack

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