
Happy Tuesday everyone!

It was an amazing second day today here in Knoxville. Our squads were able to accomplish a lot out on their job sites today and came back excited to go back tomorrow!

Tonight, Caleb continued speaking from Acts 9. In his sermon, he focused on how to be restored by and through the Holy Spirit. He reminded us that restoration is only possible through the Holy Spirit. We need to start becoming familiar with the Holy Spirit’s voice. He challenged us to turn off all of our distractions that hinder and pull us away from the Holy Spirit and God’s plan and call on our lives. We also took up our offering tonight which will go towards Puerto Rico and Hurricane Relief.

Tomorrow, our groups will head out bright and early for a half day of work before spending the afternoon out enjoying fun activities with their church groups.

We ask that you please continue to keep our participants, homeowners, and everyone we will encounter this week in your prayers. Don’t forget to send encouraging notes to your friends and family through ServeMail!

Your summer staff,

Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.