Hello again from Lancaster!

Today was another hot, yet productive day. We were blessed with a strong breeze in the afternoon which motivated the participants to keep up their hard work.  There were also several reports of projects nearing completion.

A participant from Bravo squad reported that their squad ran out of water, luckily a nearby neighbor offered to fill up their water cooler. While doing so they were able to share with the lady why they were working on that house. What a great picture of God’s provision!

Several of our squads also informed us that the Lancaster sheriff showed up at the sites to check in on the projects and ask if there was anything that they needed. We have really enjoyed interacting with the people in this community and getting to shine the light of Christ with each person that we come in contact with.

A reporter from The Lancaster News stopped at one of the job sites today to interview several participants, as well as our local coordinator. They were interested to learn more about what Mission Serve is and what construction projects we were taking on this week. Additionally, the reporter was intrigued to learn why these high schoolers and middle schoolers where willing to give up a week of their summer. It was great hearing their responses!

This evening we heard a fantastic message from Bliss Steele who presented the bold challenge to trust God despite uncertain circumstances. He unpacked Matthew 14 and revealed the capability that Jesus has to overcome the storms in our lives. He finished our time of worship by daring us to step out of the boat, just as Peter did, with faith knowing that He will take care of us.

Also during tonight’s service an invitation was extended to give an offering. This summer, Mission Serve is giving to the Lord by continuing to fund projects to provide relief in Puerto Rico. We are excited to see how God blesses this generosity.

We are almost half way through the week, and our participants have loved hearing from you! Please continue to send more ServeMail to your friends and family.

It has been so incredible seeing God move in the lives of our participants as well as those within this local community. We look forward to sharing more with you tomorrow!

Stay cool out there!

Jack and Alexis

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.