Today is Monday, and you know what that means! It is our first day of our early wake ups and hard work! We sent out our 9 squads today into the community to serve and share the love of Christ. Please pray for strength and boldness as they say so.

We battled some difficult weather this morning with on and off storms for the first half of the day. Despite these conditions, several squads were able to make some great progress on their home. The rain was also a blessing because it allowed the students to be able to spend time getting to know their homeowners a bit.

An exciting aspect of this of this week is that each of homes is sponsored! We have several generous individuals who have decided to donate to help with the renovations in this area. On behalf of Mission Serve, the participants here in Marion, and the homeowners, Thank You for your kindness! We look forward to sharing the details from the sites with you over the course of the week.

This afternoon, upon arriving back from a long aa workday, participants were greeted and given ice cream. We are thankful for the generosity of the facility. What a sweet treat!

This evening in worship, Heath announced his next challenge which is the dare you to serve others. What a perfect opportunity to do so this week. Jesus was the perfect example of this and Heath indicated this by highlighting the parable of the good Samaritan found in Luke 10.

We have thoroughly enjoyed today and it is shaping up too be a spectacular week or fun, work, and worship.  Keep praying for us as we serve as the hands and feet of Jesus within this community. Please continue sending ServeMail, we look forward to hearing from you.

Serving together,
Jackson & Alexis

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