Welcome to Tuesday here in Marion! It has been another great day. After seeing multiple job sites, it is clear that we have our work cut out for us! The weather yesterday caused a few set backs. However today everyone was ready to make up for it. We look forward to getting completely back on track tomorrow!

Despite yesterday’s conditions, today was absolutely delightful! The temperatures were low and there was a slight breeze all day. Perfect for a day of big progress.

We were all so blessed by the generosity of the local churches. Today they brought us specialty popcorns from a local business. They had fun flavors such as Birthday Cake, Tutti Frutti, and Cookies and Cream. It was delicious and the perfect snack for a short break.

This evening during worship, we collected the offering which goes to support our three hurricane relief projects. Thank you all for your generosity and willingness to serve by giving.

Tonight Health addressed the dare of I Dare you to trust God. He gave an all-encompassing message that highlights the fact that no matter what we can trust our God. Even through our trying circumstances, we can still intentionally put our trust in him.

What a fantastic day it has been! Tomorrow we will have a half day of work and the other half of rest and fun. Please continue praying and sending ServeMail.

Check back in tomorrow for an update!

In Christ,
Jackson & Alexis

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