It’s Wednesday and you know what that means. We get a half day off. But, hey, that doesn’t mean we don’t work hard in the morning. Upon visiting sites today, it was clear that these squads have their eyes on the prize and are dedicated to seeing their projects to completion on Friday.

After having lunch with our squads and saving time for worksite devotions, each team was instructed to head back around 1pm to get ready for a fun afternoon activity with their church group. We had churches that went to the pool, the movies, and a few even decided to go to the Ohio state fair. All had lots of fun and really appreciated the extra time off. We look forward to seeing everyone fully rejuvenated tomorrow and excited about the work that they are doing.

Obviously we did not have service tonight because everyone was out and about, but we do ask that you take time to pray for our Concert of Prayer service tomorrow evening. Our speaker and band have put in a lot of time and consideration and are expecting the Holy Spirit to make himself very evident. We are all very excited for this special time of worship.

We are half way there everyone! Keep up the encouragement by continuing to send the ServeMail. And as always, check back in tomorrow for another action packed update!

Stay cool out there,
Jackson & Alexis


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