Greetings from Friendswood on this wonderful Monday!

Today, squads departed eagerly to their worksites after a cheerful great send off. These homes are in need of various jobs including drywall, flooring, roofing and cabinetry. Squads came back with the wonderful stories of their homeowners and how the hurricane has impacted them. We are praying for amazing works from God in the hearts of not only the homeowners but also the participants.

One of our speakers, Pastor Therman, continued to talk in Acts 9. Tonight, the focus of the message was our obedience in our relationship with Christ. Pastor Therman used a visual of a car to explain how we need to let ‘Jesus take the wheel’ rather than allow ourselves to steer away from his will and way. Instead of giving into our needs and wants, we need to use faith as our foundation in trusting His road of our life. Therman challenged the participants to evaluate who is guiding them in their life — Jesus or themselves.

We are looking forward to what God has in store for us this week. Please pray for those who are spending their time with us this week and the lives they will spread Jesus’ love to. In addition, participants love receiving ServeMail to encourage and uplift their day.

Signing off

Lauren and Sam

Mission Serve Summer Staff


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