
Happy Sunday everyone! It has been a great second day here in Columbia County, North Carolina.

This morning our squads headed out to visit with the 21 different churches that hosted them on Sunday morning and will be providing lunches for their squads this week. Everyone had an amazing time getting to interact with different members of the community. Following that, they were able to go visit their job sites and talk with the homeowners they will be working with this upcoming week.

Tonight in worship, our speaker Jason, took us back to 2 Corinthians 5:17 to continue his talk on being a new creation in Christ. He also continued to read from Acts 9, focusing on Ananias obeying God’s call to go to Saul while he was blind. Our theme this week is restore, and these verses are beautiful pictures of the restoration God has to offer.

As we head out to job sites for day one of work tomorrow morning, we ask that you keep the participants, homeowners, and anyone we may encounter this week in your prayers. We are excited to begin work!!

Don’t forget to send encouraging letters to your friends, family and students through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,
Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.