
Knoxville, TN

June 24-30, 2018
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Knoxville – Friday

Happy Friday everyone!!

As we wrap up our week here in Knoxville, Tennessee, we reflect on the work our thirteen squads were able to accomplish. Throughout the week, these thirteen squads worked to re-shingle and paint homes in the community. God was definitely seen in different ways by all of the participants.

Tonight, we celebrated our week coming to a close by recognizing each individual that helped to make this project run so smoothly. We then worshipped and Caleb wrapped up our series on Saul before heading into our last squad chats.

We are so thankful to have been able to serve here this week and want to thank everyone for making it such a successful project. It’s been an amazing week here in Knoxville!

Continue to pray for all of our adults, participants, and everyone they were able to come in contact with this week as they take with them the word of God and spread it amongst their own communities.

Your summer staff,

Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Knoxville – Thursday

Happy Thursday everyone!

Today, looked a little different for our participants. We started the day out with worship where Caleb started to wrap up our series on Saul. Squads then headed out for a full day of work. We had two squads that were able to complete their sites today, two that will be done in the early morning tomorrow, and everyone else should be able to wrap up by the end of the day.

Tonight, we held our Concert of Prayer. We had participants quietly enter the sanctuary where two crosses were placed at the foot of the stage. Scripture was read in between worship songs and we were challenged to sit in times of prayer after each scripture. We then were lead to write out our sins on slips of paper and individually, when we were ready, go place them at the foot of the cross as a sign of giving them to God.

As we enter into our last work day, please keep our participants, homeowners, and everyone they have/will come into contact with this week in your prayers. Don’t forget to send your friends, family, and students  encouraging notes through Servemail!

Your summer staff,

Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Knoxville – Wednesday

Happy Wednesday everyone!!

Today, due to poor weather conditions, our squads did not go out to their worksites. Instead, they were able to sleep in (just a little) and have most of the day off with their church groups. After a late breakfast, we had a fun, get-up-and-get-going time of praise and worship lead by our awesome praise band. We were also treated to a special musical guest, Speaker Caleb Veazey. He taught us our new favorite song, You’re my Brother, You’re my Friend.

After our praise and worship time, groups departed for their day off activities. Some went to the movies, others spent their off day bowling and going to dinner. One of our groups even spent time underground at the near by Lost Sea attraction. Tonight, all groups returned to the project rested, relaxed and eager to get back to their worksites tomorrow morning.

While the weather has not been as cooperative as we hoped, we are looking forward to completing all projects by Friday. Please continue to pray for strength and perseverance for our students and adults as they finish strong. Remember your students, friends and loved-ones would love to hear directly from you, so make sure to send them some Servemail!

Your Summer Staff,
Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Knoxville – Tuesday

Happy Tuesday everyone!

It was an amazing second day today here in Knoxville. Our squads were able to accomplish a lot out on their job sites today and came back excited to go back tomorrow!

Tonight, Caleb continued speaking from Acts 9. In his sermon, he focused on how to be restored by and through the Holy Spirit. He reminded us that restoration is only possible through the Holy Spirit. We need to start becoming familiar with the Holy Spirit’s voice. He challenged us to turn off all of our distractions that hinder and pull us away from the Holy Spirit and God’s plan and call on our lives. We also took up our offering tonight which will go towards Puerto Rico and Hurricane Relief.

Tomorrow, our groups will head out bright and early for a half day of work before spending the afternoon out enjoying fun activities with their church groups.

We ask that you please continue to keep our participants, homeowners, and everyone we will encounter this week in your prayers. Don’t forget to send encouraging notes to your friends and family through ServeMail!

Your summer staff,

Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Knoxville – Monday

Happy Monday everyone!

We had a great first day out on job sites. We started the morning off with breakfast and the Great Send Off! Our squads were only able to work a half of a day due to weather complications but were able to get a lot accomplished in the time they did spend on their sites.

Tonight, before worship, we had a member from each squad share a God Moment that happened out on their sites today. Some had homeowners that voluntarily prayed with them, others shared stories of specific songs coming on at just the right time, or homeowners going out of their way to help provide tools and other things to the squads. Our worship band led a powerful service in which the Holy Spirit could be seen moving throughout our participants. Our speaker Caleb read out of Acts 9 tonight. He talked of transformation and being restored to share Christ. He talked about how we must seek Christ first and allow him to change us before we are able to go out with the power of the Holy Spirit and glorify Him. He shared of how we need to be responsive to the Lord’s call on our lives and ended by challenging us to become obedient followers of Christ so that we can live in harmony with the Holy Spirit.

As the day has come to a close we ask that you please continue to keep our participants, homeowners, and everyone they will interact with this week in your prayers! Don’t forget to send your friends, family, and members of your church encouraging words throughout the week using ServeMail!

In Christ,

Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Knoxville – Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone!

It was a great day here in Knoxville, Tennessee. We had five churches safely arrive from Georgia, Alabama, and Virginia and they are all super excited to begin work tomorrow! We had a great opening celebration where the kids were able to enjoy some fun entertainment and games lead by the band.

Our speaker for the week, Caleb Veazey, read out of Acts 9. He spoke about living right, and how we are able to impact others once we are changed. He touched on how being righteous and doing the “Christian thing” will not get us very far because our true salvation comes through Christ. He spoke of how Paul was determined to kill Christians and killed many, yet the Lord was still willing to use even a man like him to write two-thirds of the New Testament. Caleb challenged us to look inwardly and allow the Lord to restore us this week so we are able to live that out while on our job sites this week.

After worship tonight, our squads got the chance to meet each other and chat while they assigned squad positions. Then they attended squad position training for medics, squad reporters, break masters, and chaplains.

As the day has come to a close, our participants have began settling down and getting ready to start their week tomorrow. Please keep our participants, homeowners, and everyone they will interact with this week in your prayers!

Your summer staff,

Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.


What is Knoxville like?

Knoxville is a mid-sized city in the eastern region of Tennessee.

Population: 184,281
Poverty Level: 32%

sources: citydata, U.S. Census Bureau


What is Mission Serve’s relationship?

This is Mission Serve’s 5th year serving in the Knoxville community. We partner with Central Baptist Church Fountain City and the Knoxville Leadership Foundation to make this project possible.


What kind of work?

  • Roofing
  • Painting
  • Ramps
  • General Construction


Project Coordinator

Kelly Hibbs
(205) 948-4981

Construction Coordinator

Lee Hibbs
(205) 948-4981


Caleb Veazey


Powhatan Community Church

Central Baptist Church Fountain City

5364 N Broadway St
Knoxville, TN 37918

Knoxville is surrounded by great activities for your group to experience. Visit Zoo Knoxville with your group, go Rafting in the Smokies, or enjoy the outdoors with House Mountain Nature Area. Knoxville is only an hour drive from Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
