
North Carolina Hurricane Relief

July 7-14, 2018
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NC Hurricane Relief – Friday

What an amazing week it has been here in Columbus County!

Monday morning, we had a total of 23 squads and 25 sites. As of this afternoon, we had a total of 23 squads and 30 sites that were finished!! God provided us with an extra 5 homeowners to provide service to and to share the love of God with. We are truly blessed to have been able to serve this community and share our stories with them.

Over the course of this week we were able to share in celebration with six of our participants who were baptized. We also had over 15 participants accept Christ and over 10 rededicate their lives to him.

Tonight, we had a closing celebration where we were able to honor our homeowners, city officials, school staff, construction captains, squad leaders, and participants. Our speaker, Jason, gave us a final call to action to continue the restoration process as we go about our day to day lives. He reminded us that God’s work is never finished and we are called to serve others and share the love of Jesus in a practical way.

As we head home, we ask that you pray for safe travels! What an amazing week we had!!

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

NC Hurricane Relief – Thursday

What an amazing day it has been!

Our squads headed out to their sites this morning and we had more than half of our sites finish before lunch or by the end of the work day. They have worked so hard this week and the amount of progress everyone made was truly a sight to see!

Today, we were blessed with the amazing opportunity to watch six of our participants get baptized in the same river that was a part of the floods during Hurricane Matthew in Columbus County. God has been seen throughout every aspect of this project this week and has touched so many lives of both our participants and our homeowners.

Tonight during worship, our speaker Jason, read from 2 Corinthians 5:17. He talked about three main points to always remember and related them to Acts 9. “Our actions reveal how we see God, our actions reveal our view of life, and our actions reveal our view of ourself.” At the end of the message he left us with this question: ” What is it that’s blocking your view of God?” We ended by singing Reckless Love and God was clearly present in everyone.

Tomorrow, as our squads finish up at their job sites and say their goodbyes to their homeowners, we ask that you pray for them and pray that the work that has been done here this week both on houses and hearts, continue on after we leave. Don’t forget to send some last day encouraging words to your loved ones through ServeMail!

In Christ,

Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

NC Hurricane Relief – Wednesday

What a great day we had here in Columbus County, North Carolina!!

Our squads were sent off to job sites early this morning to work for a half day! They headed back around 1:00 this afternoon before heading out with their youth groups to enjoy some fun in the sun at Myrtle Beach and the nearby YMCA pool.

Over the course of the last few days, we have had quite a few participants accept Christ into their lives or rededicate their lives. We are amazed at how God has already affected so many this first half of the week.

As the week begins to come to a close, we ask that you continue to keep our participants, homeowners, and those whose lives have been/will be affected over the next few days in your prayers.

Don’t forget to send encouraging notes as our participants work hard to finish up at their job sites through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,

Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

NC Hurricane Relief – Tuesday

Happy Tuesday everyone!

It was an amazing day here in Columbus County. Our squads headed out this morning bright and early and prepared to work. It looks like most of our sites will be done by Friday, if not earlier! We had one squad get done with their first job site and begin at a second one this afternoon.

We had WWAY TV visit sites today to do some interviews with some of our construction captains and participants, both those who traveled from in-state and those who traveled out of state to be here. Tomorrow, our crews will work for the first half of the day and have the second half off to enjoy time exploring in nearby towns with their church groups.

We have been so blessed with amazing participants who have been working hard everyday and continue to lift each other, and those around them up!

Our worship time tonight was the Concert of Prayer, and it was a powerful time of praise, adoration and commitment. Through music and the reading of His Word, God spoke to the heart of every volunteer here this week. Some came to know Jesus tonight, while others rededicated their lives to Him.

As we begin the second half of our week tomorrow, please continue to keep everyone in your prayers! Don’t forget to continue sending your students, family members, and friends encouraging letters and notes through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,

Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

NC Hurricane Relief – Monday

Happy Monday everyone! Our participants had an early start this morning and were sent out with a celebration and excitement! We have 23 squads and 25 sites across Columbus County that we will be working on this week. We had WECT news come to some sites today and interview our home owners and some of our participants. You can watch the story here. Our participants headed back this afternoon after a long day of work, and were greeted at the lodging facility with snacks provided by the kitchen staff at the school! During worship, our speaker used the image of a hammer and chisel along with 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Acts chapter 9 to display the process of restoration. The work God does in our lives is not completed overnight, it’s a lifelong process. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. As we head out for day two tomorrow morning, please continue to keep everyone playing part in the project this week in your prayers. Don’t forget to send your family, students, and friends encouraging letters through Servemail! Your Summer Staff, Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

NC Hurricane Relief – Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone! It has been a great second day here in Columbia County, North Carolina.

This morning our squads headed out to visit with the 21 different churches that hosted them on Sunday morning and will be providing lunches for their squads this week. Everyone had an amazing time getting to interact with different members of the community. Following that, they were able to go visit their job sites and talk with the homeowners they will be working with this upcoming week.

Tonight in worship, our speaker Jason, took us back to 2 Corinthians 5:17 to continue his talk on being a new creation in Christ. He also continued to read from Acts 9, focusing on Ananias obeying God’s call to go to Saul while he was blind. Our theme this week is restore, and these verses are beautiful pictures of the restoration God has to offer.

As we head out to job sites for day one of work tomorrow morning, we ask that you keep the participants, homeowners, and anyone we may encounter this week in your prayers. We are excited to begin work!!

Don’t forget to send encouraging letters to your friends, family and students through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,
Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

NC Hurricane Relief – Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone!

It’s been a great day here in Columbus County, North Carolina at the Hurricane Relief project! All 14 of our churches arrived safely, and are settling in for the night.

Today our participants had the opportunity to meet their squads and will be heading off to 21 different churches in the morning to attend service.

The band led the way during the Opening Celebration and Worship, and God showed up and showed out. Tonight in Worship our speaker, Jason Ballard, talked about restoration and how a believer in Christ has become a new creation. He then introduced us to Saul in Acts chapter 9, and how God began to work in his life.

As we begin this week, please keep our participants, homeowners, and anyone we may be coming in contact with this week in your prayers.

Don’t forget to send your friends, family, and students encouraging words through ServeMail

Your summer staff,

Kate and Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.


What happened with Hurricane Matthew?

Category 5 Hurricane Matthew caused major damage in the fall of 2016 along the Atlantic ocean including the state of North Carolina. The hurricane left North Carolina with over 1.5 billion dollars in damage hurting over 100,000 homes, businesses, and government buildings. 760,000 people were left with no power and over 2000 people were forced to evacuate.

sources: CBS News, CBS News, CNN, USA Today


What is Mission Serve’s relationship?

This is our second summer providing relief from Hurricane Matthew. We partner with the City of Fairbluff and the Columbus Baptist Association to serve in this location.


What kind of work?

  • Roofing
  • Painting
  • General Construction

Project Coordinator

Joe Monk
(919) 291-9913

Construction Coordinator

Billy Rogers
(919) 669-7778


Jason Ballard


Kevin Payne

West Columbus High School

7294 Andrew Jackson Hwy SW
Cerro Gordo, NC 28430

In Fair Bluff you can enjoy an afternoon at the Fair Bluff River Walk, or you can travel to a number of nearby beaches including Myrtle Beach, SC and Wrightsville Beach, NC.
