
Fair Bluff, NC

7 Days • $270 • June 22-29, 2019
Send Servemail

Fair Bluff, NC

7 Days • $270 • June 22-29, 2019
Send Servemail



Fair Bluff – Friday

Welcome, welcome. It is the last day of the week and we are feeling Friday!

Waking up was a little more difficult today, but participants were excited to see their project through to completion! The morning wake up was especially hype this morning and everyone was up dancing and singing.

After loading up, a few of the squads planned a sneak attack and had silly string and water balloons ready to attack. The staff was ready for this however, and Joe our PC even had a water hose, ready to defend himself. It was a fun and crazy time!!

Each squad was fortunate to finish and a few squads who finished early came together to complete three additional projects. We are so grateful for the provision that God has provided regarding our job sites this week. Also, special shout out to all the construction captains who worked so well with the students as well as our Construction Coordinators, Billy Rodgers and Ben Honeycutt!

In the afternoon we were blessed with a visit from Kona Ice of Columbus County. Each participant was fortunate enough to get a FREE Sno Cone after a hot day in the sun. Thank you so much to DeLynn and Kristin for this sweet gift, we all greatly appreciate it!

In the afternoon all of the individuals who decided to give their lives to Christ were given the opportunity to be baptized in Fair Bluff, beside the river walk. 10 people professed their faith and were baptized in front of a large sum of the people from our project. It was a fantastic time of celebration and excitement.

After dinner, we jumped right into the Closing Celebration. Mark and Carlton from the band sang a Mission Serve Remix of the popular song, Old Town Road. It was hilarious and everyone loved it. We then recognized our team behind the mission. The cooking staff, band, speaker, facility director, coordinators, squad leaders, construction captains, and most importantly, the group leaders were recognized.

The most exciting part of the evening was being able to see the Mission Cam. It Is always so fun seeing your face on the big screen as well as seeing the hard work that everyone has been putting in on the job site.

We said goodbye to our band and speaker with a phenomenal last night of worship. Thomas dared the students to go back and share what they’ve done and also live it out. We are beyond excited to hear how God moves as the participants head by to their own communities.

For friends and family at home this week, thank you for your ongoing love and support of your participants. It has been an extremely amazing week and we are so thankful for everyone that was a part of it. We hope to see you at another Mission Serve project soon.

Signing off- Your Summer Staffers,
Jack & Alexis

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Fair Bluff – Thursday

Hello friends and family.

It is Thursday at the NC Hurricane Relief project and it has been phenomenal. It has been a day of hard work and dedication preparing for the close of each project. Several sites even finished their jobs early and are relocating tomorrow to help others that have a heavy work load!

On site with both Mike and Lima, Bryant from WECT came to check out the work that we have been doing this week. He was really surprised to see the amount of students that were there and the volume of work they were carrying out! He also interviewed our PC, Joe Monk, and two students! Check out the news piece HERE!

We also had our final adult meeting and construction captain meeting. We are so thankful for all of the adults that have volunteered to be both squad leaders and construction captains. Everyone has done a fantastic job.

In the evening we had our concert of prayer. It was an indescribable experience completely emerged in a wave of the Holy Spirit. There were several people who softened their hearts and surrendered to the Lord and gave their life to Him. During this powerful service we also were able to give our offering to God with pure hearts. It was an unforgettable experience. Praise the Lamb!

Tomorrow is going to be a super exciting day! We have lots of fun things planned as we close out this project and celebrate all that God has done.

There is one day left to send ServeMail and we are still wanting to hear from you.

As always please be praying for God’s will to be done and for safety for everyone here at the project.

Check back in for more fun tomorrow!

Getting the job done, your Summer Staff,
Jack & Alexis

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Fair Bluff – Wednesday

Hey, we are back!

It’s Wednesday which means it is half day! Our participants have worked hard for the past two days and are very eager for a fun-filled afternoon off.

Upon arriving back at the facility, we had several reports of people coming to Christ while on the job sites! It was incredible to hear about the way the Holy Spirit has moved in the lives of students who are here. As a result, several have also decided to take the next step and be baptized. A few churches decided to do so in the ocean as a part of their free day.

Several churches decided to spend time in the Myrtle Beach area both lounging on the beach and also shopping at popular places in the area. Other churches did fun activities such as putt-putt, go-carts, and some even were able to hang out in a lazy river!

Due to the fact that today was free day, we did not have evening worship. However, please be praying for our project tomorrow as we have the concert of prayer. We are expecting God to move in a mighty way and cannot wait to share what all He has done.

Keep sending us ServeMail, the participants love hearing from you.

Tomorrow is a new, full work day and we expect even more exciting stories of adventure and God’s grace. Check back soon for another update.

Serving you this summer,
Jack & Alexis

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Fair Bluff – Tuesday

Hey, hey it’s Tuesday, and it has been terrific!

Despite the intense heat and seemingly long duration of time spent working yesterday, participants woke up motivated and ready for action. They filled up their coolers with lots of ice, grabbed the bottles of water, and loaded up on the vans.

We were blessed to experience a fantastic shift in weather today. The humidity levels were much lower and there was even a swift, ongoing breeze that kept the volunteers motivated.

Both our band and speaker were out and about visiting sites. The band even bought popsicles for everyone working! They were all so excited.

On Monday, members from the Charlie squad reported sharing the gospel with a child who lived in the home that they were working on. He decided to accept Christ and the squad prayed with him. Yesterday, they returned to the home to begin working and saw him up and reading his Bible. Our God is so good!

Early on in the project, we were very concerned with the number of bottles of Water and Gatorade that we had collected. Yesterday we received several cases on both and now have more than enough bottles of water to supply the participants for the rest of the week. The community has been endlessly generous and we are all extremely grateful.

Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witness both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Tonight, Thomas challenged us to get out of our own Jerusalem. And to allow God to led us to the right place and share with the right people. It was an insanely powerful time of worship and several people were moved to repentance.

Tomorrow is our half day and everyone is so excited. Several groups are planning to go to Myrtle Beach while others are thinking of going to see a movie! It is going to be a great day. Please pray for a safe time for everyone and even that we may have opportunities to share our story with whomever we come in contact with.

We are halfway through our project, and could definitely use some encouragement. Send some ServeMail! We would love to hear from you!

Check in with us tomorrow!

In Christ,
Jack & Alexis

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Fair Bluff – Monday

Hi again from all of us in Fair Bluff,

It is Monday and Monday means it is time to work. We began our morning with an essential breakfast and some encouragement from our PC, Joe Monk. Joe reminded students why we are here this week and encouraged them to seek opportunities to share their own, personal story.

Despite the intensely high temperatures, squads were able to work as a team to get the large, introductory pieces of their projects. This week squads will be working on both roofs and wheelchair ramps. Additional projects include a few sites on the campus of West Columbus High School.

An exciting element to our day was a visit from Matt Bennett, a reporter from WWAY TV (Wilmington). He spoke with several students and the homeowner’s son from the combined squads Uniform and Victor. The students did a great job sharing why they are here this week and why they enjoy Mission Serve! Check out the full article here!

Another fantastic part of today was being able to hear that several of the squads were able to meet their homeowners. Furthermore, other squads also reported getting to speak with several locals within the community who were interested to see what these students were doing. What a great opportunity to share the love of Christ in a practical way.

In the evening we experienced another phenomenal worship experience. The band played an eccentric set that really caused our hearts to be focused on the presence of the Holy Spirit. Our speaker Thomas dared everyone at the project to trust God. He provided several stories from his life where he had to trust God. He also invited a guest speaker to come and share their story of trusting God continually.

We have been so blessed to have such a great start to the week and expect to see God in so many other ways this week. Please continue to think and pray for us. Also, continue to encourage everyone as well as reminding them to DRINK WATER by sending ServeMail.

Your Summer Staff,
Jack & Alexis

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Fair Bluff – Sunday

Welcome back!

It is Sunday in Fair Bluff and we are already having a blast.  We started off the day the best way that we know how by attending local churches in the surrounding area. The community has been extremely supportive and welcoming.  Each squad was served a delicious meal and encouraged by how dedicated these churches are to the mission we are carrying out this week. These churches will also be delivering lunches to the squads each day. We are so grateful!

This afternoon consisted of many important activities. We all wore our Mission Serve t-shirts today and took photos with our church and as an entire group. Additionally, members within each squad took on leadership role in order to work as a well-oiled machine. Our important positions consist of a Medic, Chaplain, Break Master, and Reporter.

In the evening, Thomas centered his message around Galatians 5:13-14 and challenged us by asking us how we will use the freedom that we have in Christ.  This week we have the perfect opportunity to love and serve others and he ended our time together by daring us to do so.

We finished the evening with lots of basketball being played in the gym, devotions with church groups, and much action at the Mission Serve promo table. The real work begins tomorrow and we could not be more thrilled.

Please continue to pray for our project that everyone will be safe and that we all share the love of Christ in a practical way.

Also, don’t forget to write ServeMail to out participants.

Stay cool out there,
Jack & Alexis

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Fair Bluff – Saturday


We are so excited to be serving in Columbus County, NC this week providing hurricane relief! Today we had over 300 participants from 14 different churches, ranging across 7 different states arrive. They were each bursting with energy and anticipation for the week ahead.

During orientation the students played several amusing games such “Garbage Grab Bag” and they even participated in a crazy scavenger hunt. It was so exciting to see everyone laughing and having fun while also meeting new people.

Our speaker, Thomas Samaha, kick off the week by teaching from John 1:29. Here he highlighted the price that Jesus payed for us and what we must do to share that love with others in a practical way.

Following our time of worship, participants were able to meet with their squads and hear about the work they would be carrying out this week. Additionally, they made plans for attending local churches within the surrounding community.

Today in all was a busy afternoon full of preparation and eagerness. We look forward to having a fantastic week and ask that you pray for safety and diligence throughout this project.

Check in here, everyday for an update on how all your friends and family are doing in Fair Bluff. Also be sure to encourage them by sending lots of ServeMail.

We look forward to sharing a great week with you!

Alexis & Jack

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.




Living in Poverty

Year Partnering with Community



9th grade students and older



General Construction


“Mission Serve does an amazing job of creating meaningful experiences for youth groups at large, but they also show a willingness to go the extra mile and adapt to meet needs within individual groups.”

Rev. Dr. Jeremy Myers

Lead Pastor, FBC Seymour

Project Coordinator

Joe Monk
(919) 291-9913


Construction Coordinator

Billy Rogers
(919) 669-7778


Thomas Samaha


Mark Roy

West Columbus High School

7294 Andrew Jackson Hwy SW
Cerro Gordo, NC 28430

We partner with the City of Fair Bluff and the Columbus Baptist Association to serve in this location. Our work here began as relief from Hurricane Matthew in 2016. The town is still recovering.
In Fair Bluff, you can enjoy an afternoon at the Fair Bluff River Walk, or you can travel to a number of nearby beaches including Myrtle Beach, SC and Wrightsville Beach, NC.


> 100 Spots Available

Mission Serve

Sources: DataUSA