Juana Diaz and Guayama, Puerto Rico


Mission Serve is very excited to announce that not only will we be back in Puerto Rico this summer, we will have two weeks available to serve on this incredible island. In both Juana Diaz and Guayama, we partner with Victor Morales and his church, Iglesia Bautista El Mesiah. Victor, a full time pastor, has spent the past 20 summers doing construction ministry in his hometown of Juana Diaz. Through various mission organizations, Victor has led the construction of over 500 new homes in Juana Diaz. This summer you can be a part of how God is moving on this island. As a participant in Puerto Rico, you will have the opportunity to be a part of full home construction, roofing, renovations, and more. Through our connection with Iglesia Bautista El Mesiah, participants have many opportunities to meet and connect with local citizens of Juana Diaz and Guayama. We have felt an incredibly warm welcome in this community, and we want you to be a part of it next summer. Without any need for passports or other international travel documents, these projects are the perfect opportunity to reach into overseas missions for an affordable cost. Our Guayama project will be held July 8-15, 2017 under the leadership of local coordinators, Brian and Victor Morales. Our Juana Diaz project will be held July 15-22, 2017 under the leadership of returning coordinators Jared Case and Victor Morales. We hope to see you there!

These projects are limited to 9th grade and above.

2017 Projects

Mission Serve
