
Hello from Juana Díaz!

Today was the very last day of the work week. It was a satisfying day of finishing worksites but everyone was so sad having to say goodbye to their homeowners. Squads made friends with not just their homeowner, but their neighbors. They have made so many new friends within and outside of their squads. The relationships made here will never be forgotten!

Tonight, was our closing celebration. We recognized everyone who helped make this week possible such as cooking team, band, coordinators, runners, construction captains, squad leaders, and volunteer staff. Without them we could not have completed this project! Jared also gave a message about caring what you have learned and felt here back home with you. He wanted to remind everyone that they do not have to be on a mission trip in order to spread the gospel and be one with the body of Christ. Every day should be an opportunity to serve others!

We are preparing for the bittersweet goodbyes that tomorrow brings as everyone heads home. This is week has been one that no one will forget. We are so grateful for all of the prayers that you all have sent our way. Please continue to keep Juana Díaz in your prayers as well.

We hope everyone had a fantastic Friday!

Your Serve Staff,
Olivia and Justin

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