Buenos from Juana Díaz!

Today was the first day on worksites!!! We began our morning with the Great Send-off which consisted of gathering together in prayer lead by our local pastor Victor. After his prayer all of our squads got pumped up and headed off to their sites!

Our worksites are spread all throughout Juana Díaz and two are in a neighboring city named Ponce. We are looking forward to the impact that our students are making in this community and the impact that this community is making on us!

Tonight, Jared spoke about faith and exactly what it means. Faith is letting go and letting God take full control on your life. He said the answer to growing our faith is found in Hebrews 12:1-2 where we are directed to “throw off” sin that hinders our relationship and fix our eyes upon Jesus.

Tomorrow our squads hangout for another day on their worksites. They are super excited to continue their work week and grow their friendships with each other and their homeowners!

Please continue to pray for this community and our participants this week. Also, show your support through sending ServeMail!

Hope you all had a blessed Monday.

Your Summer Staffers,
Olivia and Justin

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