Howdy from Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico!

Today was another regular day on sites. Our squads got a lot accomplished and are very close to finishing up! Luckily they have one more day to complete their jobs. They are all so excited to see their projects through to the end!

Tonight, Coach Rusty talked about serving others before ourselves. He referenced Philippians 2:3. We have served this whole week but now we know why it is important to and who our serving is truly for. We serve together for God as the body of Christ.

Tomorrow will be our last day on sites. The goodbyes to our new homeowner friends will be hard, but hopefully they will join us at our Closing Celebration. At Closing Celebration, we will recognize everyone who helped make the project what it was. We are so grateful for our kitchen staff, volunteers, band, coordinators and more! Everyone is so crucial to a project and we are so blessed to all serve one another together!

Please keep our participants in your prayers as they head out for their last day of work. Also, send them their last bit of ServeMail to show them you care! Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Hope you all had a terrific Thursday!

Your Summer Staff,
Olivia and Claire

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