Hola from Juana Díaz!

This Tuesday was a day full of hard work and fellowship. Our squads headed out for their second day on their worksites today. They all made a lot of accomplishments and finished out their day strong!

Tonight was our concert of prayer. This is a great opportunity for our participants to profess their faith and grow closer to God. We had so many blessed moments in the midst of the word of God. He is a father of grace and love in which we are undeserving but grateful. This night of worship was a wonderful reminder of the reason we are here.

Tomorrow will be a half work day and half off day. Our students have truly earned their afternoon off with all of the hard work they have put in! Some people will be going to beaches, mountain hikes, waterfalls, and more! They are all so excited to get to know the island more.

Please continue to pray for our students as they are being servants of the Lord out on their worksites. Also, remember to keep Puerto Rico in your prayers as well. Thank you for all that you do in supporting our participants and don’t forget to show your love through sending ServeMail!

Hope you all had a blessed Tuesday.

Your Summer Staffers,
Olivia and Claire

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