Mission Serve is continuing to rock Robbinsville this week! The participants got up early again this morning to eat breakfast and head out with their squads for another hard day’s work. The squads had fun as they started to rebuild what they tore down yesterday, and finally got to see a little bit of what the finished product would be. Everyone worked extremely hard, and came back to the school exhausted and ready to shower and relax for a bit.

Once everyone came back to the school, the participants got to relax for a bit and played cards and chatted in the dining area while awaiting a wonderful dinner of pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, green beans, cornbread, and blueberry or peach cobbler for dessert. It was absolutely delicious, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Tonight at worship, Michael delivered another fantastic message. Andrew Brown Band started the night off by leading us in songs that declared truths about Christ’s love for us, and songs that reminded us of Christ’s blood upon the cross. Michael then came up and gave a message about being serious in Christ. To get things started, he showed us a few Tweets that were completely ridiculous and made the participants wonder if the people writing these things were serious. Michael used these tweets to point out the analogy that we may know something is right, but we tend to not do them anyways. He reminded us that new truths can’t replace old habits, but a new habit could. If we have bad habits, we will usually go back to them once a mission trip, or spiritual high is over. However, Michael reminded us of the truth in Philippians 4:8 & 9, that if we focus on good and pure things, we can rid ourselves of our bad habits. Right after worship, participants departed to their youth group devotions to further reflect on the truths that Michael revealed to us tonight.

It was a great day here in Robbinsville, and all of us are looking forward to another great day tomorrow! Don’t forget to send ServeMail to encourage the participants, and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat!


Be sure to check back tomorrow for more news from Robbinsville! Goodnight!


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