Happy Thursday!

Today was a phenomenal day on the worksites! A lot of squads were putting the finishing touches on their houses, and a few squads got finished today! The participants could see the end in sight, and as a result, worked harder than ever today.

Tonight, we held the Concert of Prayer in the Worship Area. The participants entered into a darkened auditorium, and was given a metal washer as they came through the door. Michael lead the group in three different prayers, all declaring the worth and value that God sees in us, regardless of what others may think about us, and even what we may think of ourselves. The first was a prayer of confession, a time where the participants could just talk to God about the things that they were ashamed of, whether it was sin, or names that people called them. It was a time to confess to God whether or not they felt the worth and value that they have in Christ. The second prayer went along with the first, but was instead a time of embracing what God had in store for us for the future, even if we can’t see it. The third was just a prayer for God to use us in whatever way that He wanted to further His Kingdom.

After these prayers, the Andrew Brown Band came onstage and lead us in a few songs, declaring God’s love for us, and our adoration of Him. It was a mighty time, and you could feel God in the room. Both students and adults came down to the alter tonight, to throw themselves before God, and to praise His glory and declare His love. It was a special time for the participants, and it was a truly unexplainable atmosphere in the room. Michael came back onstage after a few songs and then asked everyone to get the washer that they had recieved, and to press it onto their hand. He explained that when we took it off, there was still an imprint of where we pressed the washer into our hand, just like when we press into God, there becomes an imprint on us of God’s love. Michael encouraged the participants to keep pressing into God, and to show His love when we get back home.

It’s so hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day on the worksite! That means it is also the last chance to send your participant ServeMail!! The mailbox will close tomorrow night at 9:30pm, so be sure to send your ServeMail before then!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat for more stories and updates on projects!


That’s all for tonight! Check back tomorrow for the last post in Robbinsville! Goodnight!!


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