
Welcome back! It has been a full and fun day. We started off our busy work week with a fantastic Great Send Off! Our squads had incredible signs and props as they departed for job sites this morning.

Yesterday we challenged them to see which squad could have the most fun and elaborate exit.  This resulted in a tie. Scoring the highest in the decorative category was the Mike squad who decorated their van to resemble a Mike & Ike candy box! They even went above and beyond and threw actual Mike & Ike’s as they left! In the production category, the team from Alpha pretended to be trapped in the back of their van and RAN out after being release. It was a hysterical exit. All of our squads did a spectacular job!

Our squads finally got to get down to business today and Construction Captains returned this afternoon very happy with the progress that they made. There were several reports of students being daring and opening up with their new friends. Several were bold enough to share their testimonies and even prayer over the group during worksite devotions. How incredible!

Tonight in our time of worship, Brandon posed the question of what we are to do when storms come our way. He read from Matthew 14 and highlighted how despite the storms that arise, Jesus has overcome them. Additionally, Brandon emphasized the idea that as we weather more and more storms, we are able to draw closer and closer to our Savior. Finally, he closed our time by daring participants to share what the storms are in their lives right now during Large Group Devotions.

It’s been a long, humid day and we are all eager to rest and be rejuvenated for another exhilarating day tomorrow! Please continue praying that God’s provision would be upon us and that we would each be bold enough to share the love of Jesus to everyone that we come in contact with in the days to come.

Lastly, DON’T FORGET to send in your ServeMail. We love hearing from our friends and family so please send in some mail.

That’s all for today. We look forward to sharing all the details from Tuesday really soon.


Jackson & Alexis

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