
Guess what day it is! Half day! We had a full morning of work and fun in the sun. There were several reports of people saying how fantastic their worksite devotions were and even how they got to spend lots of time with the locals. We love opportunities to share the gospel in the local community.

Around 1 PM the participants arrived at the facility to prepare for an afternoon off. We had several groups do fun water activities such as tubing down a river and even spending time at the pool. Other groups decided to relax by going to a shopping mall or even seeing a movie. It feels great to be rejuvenated and head into the second half of the work week.

Thursday appears to be a very promising day as we have a lot of fun things prepared. The participants will return to their job site energized with hopes of finishing their projects early to assist with other projects that we would love to complete. Please pray for clear skies and safety as we embark on a great day

Also time is almost up to send ServeMail so please do so TODAY!

Serving together,

Jackson & Alexis 

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