
It is a siked Saturday here in Fort Wayne!

Today was registration day. All of our church groups arrived safely and excited to be here. We are so happy to start this project!

After settling in, we did our opening celebration and adult meeting where everyone could get acquainted with one another. Everyone is open to making new friends and lifelong relationships. We all had dinner together and then worship. Our speaker Brandon spoke about being open to whatever God is calling each person to do this week. Our participants are looking forward to seeing what God has in store for each of them!

All of our participants then split into youth group devotions. After devotions, our squads got to meet one another. Tomorrow, they will all sit together at church and visit their worksites!

We are all pumped for this week. Please keep each of our participants in your prayers this week and show your love through sending ServeMail!


Your Summer Staffers,
Olivia and Jackson

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