Happy Registration Day, friends! We are here in Marion, OH and are very excited to be serving in this community. We have five churches here ranging from as far as Missouri to as close as Marion! Regardless of their length of commute, all churches arrived with the same energy and excitement. We are looking forward to spending a week with this group.

We jumped right into the fun this afternoon as the students got to spend time together playing several games with our speaker, Heath Holly! Meanwhile, the adults gathered to hear a sneak peak on what the week is going to look like.

After dinner, everyone was able to meet with their squad and hear which construction project they would be working on! After doing this, they were sent on a scavenger hunt in downtown Marion! It was so fun and it gave everyone the opportunity to get to know the people on their squad better.

We held a brief worship time tonight. We have a fantastic band this week and their first night leading was great! We got to know Heath a little better and he introduced our theme for the week: Daring.

Following worship, we had ice cream Sundaes! Several of our churches had a long drive so we were thankful for some extra rest this evening!

Tomorrow is going to be a very exciting and busy day. Please pray for our project as it takes off that we have an absolutely phenomenal week and allow ourselves to be used by God.

All week long, we ask that you send ServeMail to your friends and family to encourage them!

Check back tomorrow to hear what is happening here in Marion, OH.

Serving you this summer,
Jackson & Alexis

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